Judge Allows Investors, Insurers to Intervene in Bank of America Settlement

August 23, 2011

  • August 23, 2011 at 2:51 pm
    Longtime Agent says:
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    No wonder Bank of America is restructuring and laying off 10,000 employees with the prospect of paying off. Didn’t their TARP billions go far enough? They will probably get tax breaks for rehiring in 6 months because they will be “creating” jobs. Our wondrous leader thinks ATM machines are the reason why jobs are not being created by banks. I think we have had those for at least 15 years.

  • August 23, 2011 at 5:16 pm
    Nan says:
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    How about the rest of us being able to recoup our 401K and IRA and pension money that disappeared from our accounts due to S&P + Moodys, etc giving these creeps AAA ratings so they could get access to our money?

    • August 24, 2011 at 10:52 am
      Longtime Agent says:
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      I am afraid Nan that the big boys have been in bed with the government for a long time gaming the system for their benefit. The idiots at the SEC, Treasury,Fed have either been asleep at the switch or receiving large amounts of cash to keep this system in place. It has been the largest PONZI scheme in history and yet only one guy, Bernie Madoff is in jail for all this criminal activity. The credit swap scandal infected the financial industry and everyone cheerfully jumped on board and gambled it wouldn’t fall apart. It ended up being our money they were gambling and our pensions/401’s have taken a bath.

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