Home Insurance Claimants Who Use Agents Happier Than Those Who Don’t

April 1, 2013

  • April 1, 2013 at 3:20 pm
    Agent says:
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    I would think Independent Agents would come out much better than the captives on any survey of this type. The single company captives have only one market and when rates go south, they have nowhere else to go so they lose the business. Independents often represent a number of companies and can move it before the business is lost. Independents can also help move a claim along when it is needed.

  • April 3, 2013 at 12:56 am
    Mark says:
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    I have to somewhat disagree, Agent. I know for a fact that captive company agents have a much higher degree of claim involvement than IAs. IA’s have little pull in the claims process, most of those companies don’t care less if the agent calls in to try and help the customer. When was the last time you actually called into, say, Progressive claims when someone was complaining about their settlement and actually got them to change it? It just doesn’t happen. That isn’t the way it works at State Farm or Allstate. The agent has a lot more opportunity to fix a bad claim experience.

    • April 4, 2013 at 1:26 pm
      Producer #1 says:
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      I am not sure I agree that a captive agent is more involved in a claim. Every single agent should be involved in a clients claim, at least on some level. If the carrier provides bad claim service, then an independant agent can work the the client to find a better carrier. A captive is still stuck. Also, let’s face it, a captive still works for the carrier. So yeah, they may be involved with the claim, but its stil their company. An independant can stand up for the insured and fight the carrier on the insured’s behalf. A captive is less likely to fight their own company on the insured’s behalf.

    • April 16, 2013 at 10:24 am
      Agent says:
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      Mark, allow me to disagree with you on this. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to go up against State Farm, Allstate or Farmer’s Group on a claim where they were clearly liable for damages and were not acting in good faith with our client. They have been reported to the State Dept of Insurance on a complaint form and had to answer for their actions or lack therof. State Farm will often take care of their client and then blow off the claimant. They try to use the ploy of 50% their fault, 50% our insureds fault when the facts do not support it. They end up paying, but after a lengthy delay.

  • April 15, 2013 at 10:14 pm
    IA Agent says:
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    Well, I just called into Progressive last month and fixed a claim problem that was occurring. They were happy to help and be reasonable with their changes.

    On the other side, I tend to only get involved when there is a claim problem, who has time to babysit every claim that progresses normally.

    • September 30, 2015 at 9:37 am
      Agent says:
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      IA, most of the time, if our company is handling the claim, it goes smoothly between the company and the client. I only get involved if my client has a problem with the adjustor discounting the amount etc. That really is pretty rare considering how many claims they handle.

      The real problem is when another carrier is liable for a claim, tries to blow off my client, drags their feet, don’t agree with a body shop on the repair, try to say it was 50% my client’s fault when the accident report and witnesses say it was their fault etc.

  • September 29, 2015 at 6:47 pm
    Mike Mehler says:
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    I had a Tire Dealer leave my wheel lug nuts loose and i wrecked my truck and Toy hauler and am having difficulty getting Les Schwab to pay for all of my damages. Physically and emotionally as my wife is scared to ride in my truck until it gets repaired. I need help from a private Claims specialist as i don’t have the time or expertise to fight the insurance co and don’t want to hire an attorney and give up 50% of my claim.
    Do you have a suggestion or list of names to help me?

    • September 30, 2015 at 9:42 am
      Agent says:
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      Mike, the Tire Dealer’s insurance is liable for your damages. If you have a legitimate estimate of damages from the repair shop, there shouldn’t be a problem getting it paid. Sometimes, the repair shop will disagree with the adjustor and they have to get together and get it resolved. The adjustor will sometime miss underneath damages when he writes up the estimate and they have to put the vehicle on the rack to confirm it. In most cases, they have to do a supplemental check to finish up the claim. Your agent should be in their face to get this handled for you.

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