Supreme Court Extends Ban on Suits Against Generic Drugs

By | June 25, 2013

  • June 25, 2013 at 3:36 pm
    Dave says:
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    “The court has left a seriously injured consumer without any remedy despite Congress’s explicit efforts to preserve state common-law liability,” Sotomayor wrote.

    This is where Sotomayor proves to be the activist judge her detractors said she would be. It is not the duty of the supreme court to find remedy to a seriously injured consumer, it is to acurately interpret the laws as written and to protect the constitution. If this is how Sotomayor feels she should have become a consumer activist rather than a supreme court justice.

    • June 25, 2013 at 4:02 pm
      Brokie says:
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      ..and Clarence Thomas would be more accurately portrayed wearing a a white robe, than a black one….

  • June 26, 2013 at 1:12 am
    James says:
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    Love how they find irrelevant fine points to do away with justice, instead opting for the padding of the pocket. Does anyone really know what these drug companies are putting in their dope as fillers? The FDA (a joke if there ever was one, along with the SEC! Can you say Bernie Madoff?. These government agencies are sell-out, scumbag institutions and need to be cleaned out and people prosecuted!! How about accessory to murder? If one of us mere peons poisons someone, or has knowledge of someone being poisoned, and do nothing, then we get prosecuted for either Murder or accessory to murder! As we should!! If we keep allowing these trashbags, these high-end welfare scum to keep running wild, then we deserve everything they heap on us!!!! WAKE UP SHEOPLE!! You are being poisoned nineteen ways to Sunday, thru your food, your air, your water, vaccines, medications, etc… Don’t cry if you are gonna do nothing about it, as you and your children/grandchildren are being murdered! Your invinciple ignorance WILL NOT save you, it will only make you an easier mark. The shame is, your kids or grandkids must pay for your head-in-the-sand ignorance as well!! They don’t stand a chance when not only our government (acting on behalf of their masters), but their very own parents/grandparents are acting against them, whether wittingly or unwittingly. You’ve been warned, so that now makes you a knowing accomplice! Now when your kids/grandkids get cancer, diabetes, autism, etc…, you have no one but yourself to blame for your laziness and complacency!!! For god’s sake, if you won’t wake up to reality to save yourself, at least do it for your progeny!!! Quit being lazy cowards!

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