Insurance and Climate Change column

Few Small Businesses Feel the Need to Prepare for Climate Change

By | April 14, 2016

  • April 15, 2016 at 5:57 pm
    Agent says:
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    As a small business, I do not feel threatened by Climate Change or Rising Seas and don’t feel a rise of the ocean .000001 inches in the next 10 years is of any concern. I do watch the thermostat in my office and regulate it accordingly for warm and cool days.

  • May 6, 2016 at 12:07 pm
    FloridaAgent says:
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    All businesses should have an affordable disaster recovery plan – yet that has little to do with alleged “global warming” or “climate change” – it’s just good business. Linking it to a mythical, emotional connection to climate change is a mistake. Statistics show little if any change in severe weather patterns in the past several decades, but that doesn’t stop those who wish to obsess over our CO2 output for a host of political reasons.

    Despite the “climate change” hysteria we are forced to consume daily, Florida hasn’t had a hurricane in over a decade, while all the models predicted a continuing upsurge in radical weather. Simply hasn’t happened. Will we have another hurricane someday? Of course. Will the climate hysterics blame it all on climate change. Of course.

    For a small business owner to invest substantial sums above and beyond a normal, rational, disaster recovery plan because of the alleged increased threat due to the “anything-but-settled-science” of climate change is patently foolish.

    • May 6, 2016 at 2:26 pm
      Agent says:
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      FloridaAgent, Good post. I am from Texas and many businesses and ourselves have reasonable plans for disasters since we face hail and wind all the time and the occasional hurricane. However, the Colorado State people have been consistently wrong in their predictions for many years. Progressives are paranoid about rising seas inundating Miami and other coastal cities. They are truly mythical in their belief system. By the way, all our major carriers have disaster teams that are on the scene after any storm that hits causing major damage. Travelers has one of the better teams and Safeco is no slouch.

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