Promise of Robot Cars Includes Surges in Traffic Congestion and Miles Driven

By | May 16, 2016

  • May 16, 2016 at 1:40 pm
    Dave says:
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    First I read an article about Detroit having to deal with the upcoming change because people will buy fewer cars. Now comes this story saying the demand for cars will rise and we may have traffic congestion. Interesting. Which is it? I really think anybody knows for sure. and even if these changes occur, it will happen a lot more slowly than the change in mobile phones the article alludes to. Cell phones were a totally new technology, not replacing existing mobile phones. Self-driving cars will replace human driving cars which many say they will not accept. And even if they do, the change in that technology will happen much more slowly than cell phones due to the safety issues. And God forbid any glitches along the way could delay it even more. The first big accident caused by a self-driving vehicle will certainly delay development. Exciting times ahead.

  • May 16, 2016 at 2:05 pm
    justin says:
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    Honestly, who is clamoring for this technology? I’ve yet to hear one person say how they cant wait for it. Its another example of innovation for innovations sake. There is zero public demand

    • May 17, 2016 at 10:35 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I am! Although there is a LONG way to go before vehicles are truly autonomous, I would LOVE it if we could get the distracted drivers (texters, shavers, old people who literally can’t turn to look at their blind spot before merging, those under the influence of drugs or alcohol) off the road.

    • May 20, 2016 at 8:58 am
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      I’m clamoring for it; the icebergs on which I ride are much too slow, and I can’t get a driver’s license…. unless I claim I’m an illegal immigrant and want to eventually vote for Democrats.

  • May 16, 2016 at 2:44 pm
    Agent says:
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    So Dave, if driverless cars get stuck in the anticipated traffic congestion, do they just blare their horn incessantly like humans do?

    • May 16, 2016 at 3:01 pm
      Dave says:
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      I hope not. Recently on a trip back from Peoria to Chicago on I-55 an accident occurred about 150 yards in front of me involving a woman pulling a U-turn driving on the grassy median strip between north and southbound traffic. Pulled in front of a mini-van causing a two hour closure and 12 mile backup on I-55. A self-driving car wouldn’t do that and the person who died would be alive today. Luckily the only person who died was the person who caused the accident. The mother and daughter in the mini-van looked OK as they were wheeled into their respective ambulances. I truly believe these self-driving will reduce accidents and save lives. When one sees such carnage up close, it really hits home.

      • May 16, 2016 at 5:09 pm
        Agent says:
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        Dave, glad you weren’t involved in this accident. I went to Dallas last weekend for a grand daughters High School graduation. The traffic was almost unbearable with 6 lanes of people weaving in and out, all on their cell and I prayed that none would merge into me at the wrong time causing a big pile up. When they have one of those over there, it is a big one. Hopefully, the driverless cars will be restricted to the HOV lane when they start to be used. There is no way they will be able to dodge the crazy human drivers in all the other lanes.

        • May 16, 2016 at 5:18 pm
          Dave says:
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          Crazy human drivers. If you’re ever in the Chicago area, try the Dan Ryan Expressway, but not during “rush” hour when you’re creeping along at 6 MPH. At all other times you feel like you’re at the Indianapolis 500. Add to that a new bend. Highway shootings are up in Chicago. Much easier to dodge another car than a bullet.

          • May 16, 2016 at 5:52 pm
            Agent says:
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            Easier for them to shoot you at 6 MPH than at 65-70.

        • May 17, 2016 at 4:18 pm
          Agent says:
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          Dave, the good news for Chicago is that both baseball teams seem to be playing awfully well. Arietta for the Cubs and Sale for the Sox, both Cy Young candidates.

          Did the Bears get anyone useful in the draft? They needed a lot to make them competitive.

  • May 17, 2016 at 2:13 pm
    Rusty says:
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    What happens to older cars still on the road? Will we someday be forced to give them up? What about classic cars? Will they all ultimately be outlawed, too – perhaps by fiat, if recent experience with governmental rulings are an example – in favor of self-drivers? Driving enjoyment and financial investment down the tube in favor of the “greater good”.

    • May 17, 2016 at 4:10 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I’d be willing to bet classic cars will be treated the same as they are now with respect to emission and fuel economy requirements.

    • May 20, 2016 at 9:07 am
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      Older cars will probably be grandfathered in as ‘legal’ because it would affect some low-income voters… and Dems wouldn’t allow them to be adversely affected by imposing mandatory junking of their cars … unless it somehow greatly benefits them (Dem politicians) via dollars or votes.

      Speed limits would be followed by S-D cars, resulting in many fewer accidents, as well as virtually no moving or parking violations. Cops would be able to focus their duties on catching criminals instead of going to accident scenes and writing moving/ parking violation tickets. Municipalities would be forced to raise mil rates to compensate for lost ticket revenues.

      Speed limits outside urban areas might INCREASE, due to safer S-D cars, reducing commute times for workers in rural areas who work in cities.

      In short, life as we know it will change. But I’ll still swim and ride on icebergs for my daily commute. ;)

      • May 20, 2016 at 12:43 pm
        Agent says:
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        Yogi, the illegals tend to buy clunkers for cash at the border, don’t insure them, the cars won’t pass inspection and they are running all over the country in them.

        • May 20, 2016 at 8:15 pm
          Yogi Polar Berra says:
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          Agent said (before he was botted into ‘hidden’ status) ” Yogi, the illegals tend to buy clunkers for cash at the border, don’t insure them, the cars won’t pass inspection and they are running all over the country in them. ”

          Yes, I know. What will they do when cars are self-driven (S-D)? IF they buy clunker S-D cars, the authorities will be able to locate them with all the GPS stuff. At least I sure hope so. But if,… uh, when Trump becomes POTUS, builds a wall, and forces employers to strict use of e-verify, resulting in many self-deportations, will this be as hyuuuuge a problem as it is currently?

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