Dozens of Obama Administration Financial Rules that Republicans May Kill

By , and | November 22, 2016

  • November 23, 2016 at 12:29 pm
    DePolarBearables says:
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    These two authors are peddling trash.

    They throw out a list of laws / rules/ regulations that they want everyone to think MAY BE repealed, primarily to create obstructive behavior by Dem Congressmen.

    In fact, there will be some repeals and replacements of these laws, etc. There won’t be as many as are listed, or even anywhere close to that number.

    Should I review the list and comment on each item? Nah; that’d be a waste of my time.

    This article is ‘hyperbole and fear-mongering’ at its’ worst.

  • November 23, 2016 at 3:42 pm
    NC Agent says:
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    Did anyone else notice that the flag has 51 stars?

    • November 28, 2016 at 1:22 pm
      Ohio Agent says:
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      NC Agent, Do you think the 51st is for Puerto Rico or Russia? (No negative responses please. Just trying to insert a little humor in my day).

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