Allstate’s ‘Worth Telling’ Campaign Celebrates Black History Month

January 30, 2017

  • January 31, 2017 at 2:09 pm
    David Tatenbaum says:
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    Good job Allstate on telling of the great achievements a barber shop owner and a coffee house/comic book owner. And then in further celebration of this diversity, you are honoring a venture capitalist who only lends to Black people, which doesn’t seem very diverse. Am I reading that right? Well played Allstate.

  • February 13, 2017 at 1:25 pm
    Albert Betts says:
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    Thank you Allstate for this message and for recognizing Black History Month. And in response to the earlier comment, I saw nothing in here suggesting he only lends to one race. He’s addressing a need where historically funding has been limited. Stop trying to make a “reverse racism” argument.

  • February 18, 2017 at 7:50 am
    T.G.L says:
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    I have listen to your radio message several times and have come to several ultimate conclusions: 1.) The Young Black American Lady’s comments further divide us, it’s comical and pointless.
    2.)We have more to offer,other than trivia.
    3.)We are represented falsely in your ad, If All State wanted to extend the olive branch to us as a people then represent us for our accomplishments and not how some of us have conformed to your society .
    4.) We are not African Americans. We are Black Americans, you call yourself White,we are black!I am a numismatist,I have 6 collegiate degrees. When are you going to get it right and specify what we have accomplished here! If your campaign was designed to solicit my support of your organization,then inform me of how much your organization has done to resolve the H.B.C.U issues. Which aspect of the Government have you petitioned to help us as a whole! How can you use us; to appeal to who? We are not the people you think we are but We are the people that are victorious and have endured everything your society has done to demean and belittle us. Pull that picture of the girl with blue hair that’s not who we are. I do not get it, do you want the world to think we are sell outs! I have several comic book collections from the 1930s, I can tell you that I know sci-fi how about how the movie dune was based on the immune system in the human body. Have you heard that one!
    4.)How are you helping me All State? What is your 5 year strategic plan to provide scholarships for me and our people? What are your demographics within your LLC to assist me in becoming an executive within All State?
    5.)I think that you ( The All State LLC) are just attempting to cash in on the Billions we as a people yearly. Please clarify!Prove me wrong! Your firm produce a commercial that hurts us as a whole by having the nation think we are weak and petty. I can assure you we are watching and feel used more than ever!

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