Court Reverses $72M J&J Talc Injury Verdict Citing Supreme Court

By | October 18, 2017

  • October 18, 2017 at 1:36 pm
    truth says:
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    These were absolutely frivolous law suits aimed at “big corporation” by individuals seeking the sympathy of a jury to simply rule against “big business”! I have raised several girls, all of which were powdered with J&J baby powder and still use it. Also my wife.
    No problem.

    • October 18, 2017 at 4:40 pm
      Agent says:
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      Correct truth. This is about as frivolous as it gets. Nothing wrong with talcum powder and it feels good to go on.

  • October 18, 2017 at 4:40 pm
    mrbob says:
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    Not having researched the cases in detail, I do not know if the product was known by J&J to be hazardous or not. If they knew and did not warn then they should be punished, the question then becomes what award is reasonable.

    Do these juries not know that these awards, if upheld, come right out of the pockets of all US consumers?

    • October 19, 2017 at 4:58 pm
      CLUP says:
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      Actually, the awards would come from J&J’s Commercial Liability Umbrella Policy, and potentially the reinsurer, and have no effect on US consumers at all, although J&J would have to pay additional costs to the reinsurers to access additional reinsurance funds. Most large companies are aware of potential errors in their products and plan accordingly, which is some of the reason why some large companies would rather wait for the lawsuit than correct the product in a recall. The lawsuit is cheaper for J&J win or lose.

      • November 9, 2017 at 7:36 pm
        GoldC says:
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        Yes, it would trickle down because J&J’s premiums will rise, as will premiums for similar businesses, and the consumers will pay more for products.

        Did I mention this lawsuit shouldn’t have happened? There was no medical evidence linking the talcum to the cancer.

        Does everyone who sucked a BPA-pacifier sue NUK for oral cancer? Oh, they didn’t make the connection yet? Gimme a break.

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