Republicans Eye Stopgap Funding to Avoid Government, Flood Insurance Shutdown

By , Roxana Tiron and | December 6, 2017

  • December 7, 2017 at 7:51 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    This is another instance of Congress kicking the CANS down the road instead of addressing problems with viable, long-term solutions.

    I’m ok with buying a little time, so I’ll read more detailed descriptions of this elsewhere and comment on it further later this week.

    Why does the Liberal / Conservative media consider a ‘government shut down’ to be a bad thing? I can only assume they are dependent, somehow, on the ongoing nonsense in government to report on, day after day. If there were a lull, they’d have to …. actually… focus on important topics instead of governments’ inertia on important projects and legislation.

    • December 7, 2017 at 9:13 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      It has nothing to do with political affiliation, but has to do with how it impacts citizens. To wit:

      1) There are MANY people who are non-essential governmental employees that wouldn’t be able to work or get paid. In 2013 there were ~800,000 gov’t workers who didn’t get paid. Not getting paid is bad.

      2) Are you a US armed services member? Thanks for your service! Please keep working, but we can’t pay you because the gov’t is shut down.

      3) MANY governmental departments would not be able to operate, e.g. Department of Defense, Department of Justice, our Intelligence Agencies, etc. I think we need those (there are MANY other gov’t departments that I think we can do without, but not those three!)

      4) Need to renew your passport for your upcoming trip? Too bad, that agency would be shut down.

      5) Waiting to get mortgage approval for your new home? Too bad, the IRS & Federal Housing Administration has furloughs causing delays.

      6) How about National Parks closing, costing us ~$76 million per day in revenue ($ per ABC. I didn’t fact check the stat, but the theory is the same … gov’t is losing revenue)

      None of the above has anything to do with liberals/democrats.

      It’s just that a government shutdown is simply bad for our gov’t workers (don’t get paid), our military (don’t get paid) and the country as a whole (lost gov’t revenue).

      • December 7, 2017 at 5:57 pm
        AlJohn FranKonyers Hypocrite Groapologists says:
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        A government shutdown “has nothing to do with” (isn’t correlated to) politicians? That must mean citizens must have caused prior govt shutdowns.

        In some instances, Democrats were in charge and caused the shutdown.

        In other instances, it was Republicans in charge who shut down the govt.

        But it always has been the case that the media blamed Republicans for past shutdowns.

        • December 8, 2017 at 8:59 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          You didn’t read my post correctly. OF COURSE a gov’t shutdown has to do with politicians. That’s not what you asked and not what I said.

          You asked “Why does the Liberal / Conservative media consider a ‘government shut down’ to be a bad thing?”

          My reply was that it has nothing to do with ***POLITICAL AFFILIATION*** (which you brought up in your question), and then I explained why I think it’s bad.

          Let’s reset:

          Do you think a government shutdown is a good thing for citizens who work in non-essential government jobs and for those folks serving in the US Armed Forces??

          • December 12, 2017 at 8:41 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            YOU introduced ‘political affiliation’ after I used the Liberal / Conservative MEDIA phrase in my OP. IOW, I pointed out the non-partisan nature of this issue, and pointed to the reliance of some people on (programs and benefits and) jobs in the Fed govt.

            I’ll now waste time by responding to each of your points;

            1. Non-essential govt employees SHOULD be ‘forced out of the Federal govt by taxpayers votes’, ASAP, and be forced to find jobs in the PRIVATE sector.

            I don’t require their new jobs to be ‘shovel ready and waiting for them’… Obamacare didn’t set up new jobs after workers hours were cut by the 30 hour exemption rule. EVERYONE knew that the hours redux would happen!

            2. Back-pay has ALWAYS been made. So, this is a Straw Man Argument based on misleading people to think back pay won’t be made to (ESSENTIAL) mil personnel and other NON-ESSENTIAL Fed Govt workers when the Congress gets its act together.

            3. No, that’s a lie. Think ‘credit card’.

            4. Failure to prepare isn’t the problem of the Fed Govt. I am prepared, and need not worry about such things. The agency will resume issuance of passports after Congress figures out their budget.

            5. Too bad is right… sit in your rental unit or current home until bureaucratic regulations are rolled back by TrumPresident. Further, IRS agents should be replaced with fewer, non-partisan workers who will SERVE CITIZENS, not abuse their rights via their ‘enforced compliance’ policies. Expanded jobs and GDP growth increases will lessen the need for FHA loans. MAGA.

            6. Nat Park revenue loss is partially offset by other recreational activities upon which taxes are collected. The re-opening of the parks will increase the revenues to offset most of the past loss.

            EVERY argument against shutting down the US Federal Govt non-essential services has weaknesses and logic flaws. There weren’t any major problems many decades ago when the Federal Govt was much smaller. US citizens do not need all the govt services that were forced upon them by Liberal Socialist politicians seeking more power and control over the citizens.


          • December 12, 2017 at 8:50 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Re: National Parks:
            Revenue is partially offset by expenses. The net result is usually negative income or a break-even result. If you disagree, point to stats on specific Nat Parks that turn a profit.

          • December 12, 2017 at 8:52 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Addendum #2:
            Most liberal commentary in support of “Essential Government Services” focuses exclusively on revenues the government earns therefrom, but almost always ignores ‘expenses incurred therein’.

          • December 12, 2017 at 10:43 am
            Ron says:
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            “Most liberal commentary in support of ‘Essential Government Services’ focuses exclusively on revenues the government earns therefrom, but almost always ignores ‘expenses incurred therein’.” And most conservatives do the opposite. That is why neither has credibility.

          • December 12, 2017 at 1:17 pm
            AlJohn FranKonyers Hypocrite Groapologists says:
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            I consider both revenue and expenses, as a good businessman should. I am not a typical Republican; I am a Conservative, Businessman, and smarter than the average polar bear.

  • December 8, 2017 at 9:00 am
    Rosenblatt says:
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    You didn’t read my post correctly. OF COURSE a gov’t shutdown has to do with politicians. That’s not what you asked and not what I said.

    You asked “Why does the Liberal / Conservative media consider a ‘government shut down’ to be a bad thing?”

    My reply was that it has nothing to do with ***POLITICAL AFFILIATION*** (which you brought up in your question), and then I explained why I think it’s bad.

    Let’s reset:

    Do you think a government shutdown is a good thing for citizens who work in non-essential government jobs and for those folks serving in the US Armed Forces??

    • December 8, 2017 at 10:38 am
      Agent says:
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      Rosenblatt, you aren’t very good at reading the mood of the American People. Is it a good idea for Nancy Pelosi-Galore and Chucky Schmucky Schumer to not attend budget meetings to try to work out funding for the government and then she said the Tax Plan was Armageddon for the country? Nasty Progressive politicians are almost always behind problems and all they know is tax and spend.

      • December 8, 2017 at 11:22 am
        Rosenblatt says:
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        I am simply answering the question Yogi/Polar asked, which is “why is a gov’t shutdown bad?”

        Do you have anything to say about a gov’t shutdown being good or bad for the country?

    • December 12, 2017 at 1:18 pm
      AlJohn FranKonyers Hypocrite Groapologists says:
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      Let’s reset. YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION FIRST; Why is a govt shutdown bad?

      Trying to change the subject with a re-direct of the subject won’t succeed. Answer my question… Ready, Steady, … GO!

      • December 12, 2017 at 1:23 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        “YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION FIRST; Why is a govt shutdown bad?”

        I already did and you already posted a reply to it. Why are you asking me to repeat myself??

      • December 12, 2017 at 2:41 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        I guess my last comment offended someone, so let me rephrase. I have already answered your question and you have already responded to it. As such, are you willing to respond to my question now?

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