NAS Expands Cyber Liability Policy to Include Breach Prevention Services

April 25, 2018

  • May 14, 2018 at 9:54 am
    Jeff says:
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    I do not understand why the Federal Government continues to allow these cyber attacks that steal our sensitive data. Seems to me we have spent an inordinate amount of time and money on unsuccessfully trying to prevent hackers from getting into our systems.
    The solution to the problem of losing tens of thousands of data records as per is to put restrictions on the ability of unauthorized individuals from downloading more than a certain number of records. For instance, if I set a parameter that will not allow an individual to download more than X number of records, any effort beyond X number of records will be cancelled. If an agency or an authorized entity needs to download more than the number of records set in the parameter, then they need to call the system administrator to gain permission to download those records. Permission would entail verification that the agency or entity is authorized and a password/pin is issued to be used for downloading. This solution is entirely doable and will prevent this hacking nonsense from continuing.

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