Waymo Self-Driving, Fare-Generating Taxis Hit the Road in Arizona

By | December 5, 2018

  • December 5, 2018 at 1:05 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Wait a minute! Yogi and Agent told me we won’t be seeing this technology on our roads for at least 20 years, if ever. Then again, autonomous semis have been operating in Agent’s backyard for years now, delivering appliances.

    • December 5, 2018 at 6:24 pm
      UW says:
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      These won’t ever work as they claim. I’m sure they’ll be used but they can’t work as big city taxis without massive infrastructure spending which would be better spent on mass transit. Shipping makes a lot of sense because highways are much easier. Especially if it’s warehouse to warehouse and then final delivery by person.

      • December 6, 2018 at 11:09 am
        Agent says:
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        Watch out Phoenix for the autonomous cars or you will get run over, especially pedestrians.

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