Why J&J Opioid Lawsuit Could Mean Real Culprits Are Let Off the Hook: Viewpoint

By | August 28, 2019

  • August 28, 2019 at 2:26 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    It is nice to see a voice of reason in the era of pitchforks and burning-at-the-stake news reporting.

    Many pharmaceutical companies shamefully pushed massive amounts of opioids out the door recklessly but the evidence that J&J did so is scant. Allowing the expansion of “public nuisance” law into areas where it was never meant to be will kill innovation and risk taking and job creation.

    Hold the guilty to account, but only the guilty.

  • August 28, 2019 at 3:05 pm
    sak74 says:
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    If they want to hold the pharmaceutical companies liable for the opioid epidemic then why are the doctors and pharmacists being sued as well? The doctors wrote the RX’s for their patients and the pharmacists filled those RX’s. Aren’t they just as guilty for pushing them onto the public, maybe even more so because they actually wrote and filled the RX’s? Oh wait, there isn’t as much money to be had there and a jury might be sympathetic to a person as opposed to a big company…….

    The opioid epidemic is horrible and something needs to be done but the person that chooses to misuse their medication to the point of addiction is the one to blame. I have been prescribed painkillers on numerous occasions for various injuries and surgeries. I have always taken them as directed and when they were no longer needed I stopped taking them and disposed of them properly.

    The lawsuit in OK was a huge reach against J&J and I really cannot believe they lost. I really hope they win on appeal.

  • August 28, 2019 at 3:24 pm
    Jenifer M-K says:
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    At the time of the BHSC fire, my father was a claims manager for a company that insured an HVAC manufacturer. He handled one of the “hit them all” lawsuits that were filed against that kind of defendant. Large settlements were paid there, too, even though in the end, no one was able to prove the HVAC systems were a cause of the fire, or which manufacturer might have built or installed the potentially offending units. He also said he KY local counsel were able to make a lifetime career out of defending the cases that were filed against any and all possible defendants.

  • August 29, 2019 at 10:13 am
    Smooth says:
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    J&J is not to blame. I can’t say all, but much of the opioid epidemic has been brought about by doctors, not pharmaceutical companies. I have had to take copious amounts of Hydrocodone due to my surgeries to remove cancer. That stuff is addicting, so I only take it when absolutely necessary. The crazy thing is I have had doctors get upset with me for not taking enough of it. Sometimes they feel more like pushers than doctors. In a single day, I have had two separate doctors write me out prescriptions for painkillers and tell me to get them filled, just in case I would ever need them. I had one filled and threw the other away. These were for 90 pills each, not the typical 30. I have no idea if they get some sort of kickback for writing so many prescriptions, and for prescribing three times what is actually needed, but I have to think they get something. With the way Hospitals can share records now, and my doctors are in the same network, they can clearly see the first doctor gave me a large prescription in the morning. Why then do I need another in the afternoon? Don’t get me wrong, I love my doctors, but something is seriously wrong with how these are seemingly “pushed” on you to take. I could call either doctor today and they would give me a refill without question, even though I threw the one prescription away and haven’t touched the other one since having it filled. It’s easy to see how even a non drug using person could get addicted.

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