Study Questions Vaping’s Role as Gateway to Teen Smoking

By Corinne Gretler | November 4, 2019

  • November 4, 2019 at 1:40 pm
    Steve P says:
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    While vaping may not lead to smoking, vaping itself may be just as dangerous. Whether vaping tobacco is a gateway to smoking tobacco isn’t the most important issue, which is:
    “Does vaping increase teen use of tobacco?” YES.

  • November 4, 2019 at 2:50 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    What a dumb article. Addiction to nicotine is the issue. Smoking rates among teenagers had been declining for 20 years up to 2013, meaning addiction to nicotine had been falling.

    Then vaping came along and the percentage of teenagers vaping nicotine rose dramatically, along with addiction rates.

    And now we learn vaping isn’t so safe after all, now that all these kids are addicted.

    Again, what’s the point, if not to try to “defend” vaping?

    • November 4, 2019 at 4:04 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “…vapers were more likely to smoke cigarettes”

      “…the researchers did find an association between vaping and lifetime cigarette use…”

      Doesn’t sound like they’re defending vaping – they admit kids who vape are more likely to smoke cigarettes.

      Even when you agree with the article, you still find a way to be combative. That’s very telling.

      • November 4, 2019 at 4:20 pm
        Common Sense says:
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        Still trying to argue with Craig when he wasn’t even talking to you? Very telling!

        • November 4, 2019 at 4:48 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          I don’t think he was arguing, Agent. He was pointing out the article isn’t defending vaping, because it’s, you know, not.

          • November 4, 2019 at 5:00 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            “Pot doesn’t cause psychosis and isn’t physically addictive”, says Planet.

            And just to confirm he is wrong about everything, he says the article doesn’t defend vaping. Hello, the headline? The second paragraph?

            “Using e-cigarettes doesn’t raise the likelihood a teenager would smoke, according to a study by U.S. researchers.”

          • November 4, 2019 at 5:07 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            NOVEMBER 4, 2019 AT 8:39 AM
            Smooth says:
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            Thank you for posting non-usable links and posting nonsense. This link will take you to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a Govt. agency. Their research shows an increased risk for psychosis in those predetermined to have it could have up to a 5 times greater chance of developing psychosis if they smoke high potency weed every day. Let me put this article in perspective for you; First, there is not even a link to psychotic episodes without smoking “high potency” weed every day. Second, the article states this CLEARLY: Whether adolescent marijuana use can contribute to developing psychosis later in adulthood appears to depend on whether a person already has a genetically based vulnerability to the disorder.
            At least one of us will post a real link with real studies. Thank you. (Mic drop)

          • November 5, 2019 at 8:30 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Did you read what I copied from Smooth? Did you review his study? Because, you completely missed what I was saying. And, he was noting your bias and misinformation.

          • November 5, 2019 at 11:03 am
            Jon says:
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            LOL has Craig become so deluded that he’s not even reading counter-arguments anymore just assuming people are agreeing with him? What a loser LOL first he can’t admit he’s lying then he posts false links now he’s just pretending people agree with his nonsense

        • November 4, 2019 at 4:52 pm
          ralph says:
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          Hi, Agent!

        • November 4, 2019 at 4:54 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Agent – still trying to troll me when I wasn’t even talking to you? Very telling!

        • November 4, 2019 at 4:56 pm
          Fair Playing Field says:
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          Public forum, Agent. No conversation is private.

      • November 4, 2019 at 4:58 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        My God, Rosenblatt, you are predictable. Did YOU read the article? First sentence, second paragraph:

        “Using e-cigarettes doesn’t raise the likelihood a teenager would smoke, according to a study by U.S. researchers.”

        • November 4, 2019 at 5:06 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Oh, okay, so in your world, that is defending vaping? I didn’t see the part in the article that said vaping is safe and more people should try it, especially kids. I thought it was saying vaping doesn’t necessarily lead to actual smoking.

          • November 4, 2019 at 6:06 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Correct! Defending vaping as ‘not a gateway’ to smoking is the only point of the article. DEFENDING vaping.

            1. Addiction to nicotine is a BIG problem and it is growing with young people because of vaping.
            2. Vaping isn’t necessarily safer than cigarettes at this point. It is all brand new.
            3. Once addicted, kids could always choose to smoke at times. Or permanently. It is ALL brand new and kids have a long expected lifetime. Judging results now is ludicrous.

            And so tell me, what is the point of the article?

          • November 5, 2019 at 4:10 pm
            Jon says:
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            LOL some teenagers sure but some parents actually know how to connect with their kids, guessing not you. You stodgy conservative dinosaurs seem to have a real problem talking to your kids don’t you? And I’ve got lots of pride, thanks. Every day I wake up and know I’m not Craig Cornell is a win for me, it could always be worse :P

    • November 4, 2019 at 4:47 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Hi Agent!

    • November 4, 2019 at 5:32 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      “Nearly 1,900 cases of lung illnesses associated with vaping have been reported, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

      That doesn’t sound like a sentence that is defending vaping to me.

      • November 4, 2019 at 6:01 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Don’t be a Jon. The headline says WHAT? The second paragraph says WHAT?

        • November 5, 2019 at 8:00 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Pro tip: read the entire article, not just the headline and the first two paragraphs.

          Also, your first post said “Addiction to nicotine is the issue” so I responded with what the article said about vapers and cigarettes, namely:

          “…vapers were more likely to smoke cigarettes”

          “…the researchers did find an association between vaping and lifetime cigarette use…”

          That response is on-topic and relevant to the initial argument you made.

          • November 5, 2019 at 12:07 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            You just CONTRADICTED both the headline and the second paragraph. What is the point of the article? That was my question from the beginning.

            Care to answer, since you keep defending it and attacking my comments . . . every comment I made was true.

          • November 5, 2019 at 12:21 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Alright Craig – let me answer while hoping you tone down your nastiness towards me for once. Since I think this will help, here are the few relevant elements of a study:


            Title: Study Questions Vaping’s Role as Gateway to Teen Smoking

            Comment: The TITLE does not say vaping is or is not a gateway to teen smoking. The title it is not the CONCLUSIONS of the study – it is simply indicating what the study was looking at.

            Second paragraph: Using e-cigarettes doesn’t raise the likelihood a teenager would smoke

            My previous citations: vapers were more likely to smoke cigarettes & the researchers did find an association between vaping and lifetime cigarette use

            Comment: These are NOT contradictory statements.

            E-cigarettes may not raise the likelihood that someone would BEGIN smoking, however it does raise the likelihood they will end up smoking cigarettes.

            Question: What is the point of the article?

            Answer: The study was done because of a debate on a prior study, which was also posted by IJ via

            Now I hope you can see that the title is not a summary of the results, and how the citations made are not contradictory.

            Moreover, I sincerely hope you are able to calm down a little bit before you decide to respond to me again.

      • November 5, 2019 at 8:33 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        The point of the article is people who vape don’t necessarily smoke. Though, they are more likely to. Those who smoke are even more likely to vape (mainly because they are attempting it as an alternative to smoking). No defense of vaping and in fact, the links to the other articles further evidence no one is suggesting defense of vaping.

        • November 5, 2019 at 12:06 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Teenagers are the people in the article and the headline. Trying to confuse the issue by blending it with adults is like lumping THC, alcohol and heroin together as the same under a generic “intoxicants” in order to hide the differences.

          There are two primary types of lying: straight out saying something that is not true and alternately, trying to confuse the issue.

    • November 5, 2019 at 11:02 am
      Jon says:
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      LOL so now you’re just attacking me directly instead of just random attacks on liberals or “dope smokers”? You mad bro?

  • November 5, 2019 at 12:13 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Did you even read what you posted? The link didn’t confine psychosis to people with a “genetic predisposition” (as if everyone knows their genetic predisposition to every illness anyway. HA!)

    The article tied psychosis to heavy users of THC and people who started young who had NO predisposition.

    (You keep saying you don’t consume THC. Why can’t you read what you post and understand it?)

    • November 6, 2019 at 12:05 pm
      Jon says:
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      Hey Craig
      Smooth says:
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      Hi Craig. I check in when I am able. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time left that you do. You are very incorrect in your above post. Read the link. It is VERY clear there is no evidence at all that weed causes psychosis without a predisposed condition. I’m sorry if an article written doesn’t agree with you, but the link works, I didn’t add to or take away from what the article says and it’s a brand new study under the administration you adore. I don’t see how that compares with you posting broken links, adding things to an article that are NOT in the article, posting studies from different countries that are a decade old (and still don’t back up your claims) or how you even keep up with this madness in trying to prove MJ is some sort of evil drug. Pick something better to defend, like kids on skateboards without helmets, or the fact chili cheese Frito’s don’t have as much chili cheese on them as they once did. Those are worth investigating.


  • November 7, 2019 at 11:52 am
    Smooth says:
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    Craig – When I began posting on IJ, I actually agreed with a few things you posted. I thought people had you all wrong. After months of reading the same thing on various threads, it has become obvious you have some sort of anger you need to let go of. I am being serious when I say you may want to speak with a qualified psychologist. Your behavior is seriously abnormal. You twist words, don’t back up anything you say with facts, twist what articles actually say, attack people when they disagree with you on even the most minor of issues and cannot seem to help yourself from being overly rude all the time. I say this as a friend. Something is causing you to have misappropriated anger and it isn’t IJ. Maybe disconnect for a while and take a vacation.

    • November 7, 2019 at 12:54 pm
      ralph says:
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      I sincerely wish I could buy you a beer or 10, Smoov. Do me a favor and keep posting as long as you can, ok?

  • November 7, 2019 at 5:04 pm
    SIC UW says:
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    Holy hell….do any of you people actually work during the day???

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