Weinstein Deal Seen as ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Companies But Punishing to Some Victims

By | December 17, 2019

  • December 17, 2019 at 2:15 pm
    MIgjhtyQuinn says:
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    I realize that public sentiment is against Harvey and make no mistake about it, his actions were deplorable, however, what he did was usual in the movie industry since its beginning.
    How many women submitted to him is not the issue. Undoubtedly many of the “best” actresses over the years willingly spent time on his couch for choice roles. Undoubtedly many others also spent time and did not get roles they were promised. If there is to be a case it should have been directed at the studios who knew of and condoned this behavior. The women hurt themselves by focusing on their potential financial gains instead of eliminating behavior such as Harvey’s in the future. It also did not help that more, if any, of the more successful big name actresses who also – undoubtedly – benefitted by their romps with Harvey and others did not visably lend the scorned women support. Had those actresses not remained silent their case would have been much stronger. Big deal, they will put Harvey out of business but do you think this practice will go away? No way. It will continue and other women [probably men as well] will suffer indignities but, as before, individuals who are propositioned have a chance to say NO and resist placing themselves in a negative position. Unfortunately, more will take a flyer, say YES and then go for the bucks 10+ years later.

  • December 18, 2019 at 10:25 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    IMO, ALL of the studios knew of the Quid Pro Couch practice… since the film industry began. One apparent solution is similar to how our US government works; i.e. a 2 or 3 member committee who decides on which actress or actor gets a role in a movie. Separation of powers of casting could resolve some of the ongoing abuse problems you mention.

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