Buffett Says Berkshire Would Write Pandemic Insurance. That Is, If the Price Is Right.

By | May 7, 2020

  • May 7, 2020 at 2:00 pm
    Dave says:
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    The cost would be so prohibitive that nobody would by it. If it were priced at a level where people would buy it, he would lose his shirt. I view it kind of like flood insurance. The only people who buy it are those assured of having a loss guaranteeing the issuer loses. That is why the Feds only sell it.

    I have an idea. To sell asteroid insurance which pays off if the planet and most of the life on it is destroyed by an asteroid. And I promise to sell it at competitive rates.

    • May 7, 2020 at 7:08 pm
      Gen.Flynn Vindicated says:
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      What’s next for the Oracle of Omaha? Global Warming insurance?
      Will he buy back airline stocks he recently dumped, at their troughs, hoping they make a comeback?
      Forbes thinks he bailed out of airline stocks without a parachute.

      Uncle Warren and Elon Musk are now locked in a vicious contest to make crazy risky business moves.
      Maybe it’s time to reserve a room for Warren at the old folks home?

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