Trump EEOC Rule Aims to Slow Workplace Discrimination Lawsuits

By and | December 14, 2020

  • December 14, 2020 at 5:24 pm
    Jon says:
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    A racist president who’s done nothing but stoke the fires of white supremacy wants to stop discrimination lawsuits? SHOCK. How are the clowns on the right even pretending to be anything but racist anymore? Oh that’s right, they’re just denying while being openly racist as if that fools anyone. We all know who you really are, cowards.

    • December 14, 2020 at 6:03 pm
      Jim says:
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      What is your problem? Did some white guy steal your girl, kick your dog, get a job you wanted… ?

      • December 14, 2020 at 10:17 pm
        Jon says:
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        I’m not sure why my response was deleted. I’m both white and black, and I have seen the best and worst of both. You white republicans are by far the worst. Stop pretending you’re not racist while saying racist things and supporting racist policies. No one is fooled by you.

  • December 15, 2020 at 9:10 am
    Bumbling Brain-dead Biden Been Blackening Biden Bubbles and Boxes on Bushel Baskets of Bogus Ballots in his Basement says:
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    An interesting start to the comments on this subject.

    Jon starts with his typical rant about racism, white supremacy, and discrimination. When he is questioned about it, he attacks the questioner rather than reply to the tough question. But no where in the question did I read anything that was racist, or indicative of white supremacy, discrimination, or sinister. Jon can’t understand why the IJ authorities deleted his prior reply, and posts another rant about racism, including a new attack against ‘White Republicans’.

    Obviously, Jim struck a nerve.

    I read most of the article and see the key point being a shift of procedure from a single individual with enforcement of EEOC rules and laws to a committee process:

    “Under the proposal, the agency’s commissioners would first have to approve any litigation, rather than that authority being delegated to the general counsel.”

    I see that proposal, initiated by an appointee of Donald Trump, as being more fair, yet perhaps slower due to the bureaucracy involved in committee decisions.

    Finally, IJ is culpable for spreading misinformation, mainly through their use of an inflammatory title that implies the PROPOSAL is now a rule mandated by Trump. Reading the story gives the truth; the proposal is intended to lend credibility to the actions taken by the EEOC through transfer of the decision making process from ONE individual to a GROUP of bureaucrats, which is akin to a shift from a monarchy/ dictatorship to a democracy. The result of such a move would REDUCE the chance for a biased act by the EEOC, whether it be to sue or not sue.

    … Let the down votes by those without the courage to reply begin!

    • December 15, 2020 at 9:53 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “Finally, IJ is culpable for spreading misinformation”

      Pot, met kettle

    • December 15, 2020 at 12:53 pm
      Jon says:
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      The article is about discrimination. I didn’t attack, I responded with a legitimate answer that was deleted.

      The nerve is simply that you (yes you Polar, you are one of the racists that frequent this board) racists like to pretend racism isn’t real all while actively supporting racist policies and racist leaders.

      You see the proposal as being more fair? Really? Based on what? How is it being slower fair? How is it going to do anything but prevent people who have suffered discrimination from receiving justice?

      you KNOW Donald Trump supports white supremacist, hell one of his top advisors is a known white nationalist. Who are you trying to fool here with your misinformation attempts?

      You are still so delusional you can’t just realize people don’t like you huh?

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