Some Baby Foods Found to Contain High Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals

By and | February 10, 2021

  • February 10, 2021 at 12:23 pm
    Rosenblatt says:
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    Why are we babying babies? I used to eat lead paint chips when I was a kid and me brain no bad from things did I do when young :D

  • February 10, 2021 at 2:35 pm
    Rosenblatt says:
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    I agree with your post, but the answer is:

    “…it is economically impractical to grow, harvest, or process raw products that are totally free of non-hazardous, naturally occurring, unavoidable defects” — and that these so-called “defects” present no real risk to human health.”

    Basically. “it costs too much” is the reason why..

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