Nearly 18K in La. Interested in Buying FEMA Trailers, Mobile Homes

July 17, 2007

  • July 17, 2007 at 1:14 am
    Super Visor says:
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    More bureaucratic red tape. For Pete’s sake, if they have a FEMA unit already, they have obviously gone through 3 feet of paperwork already. Surely our illustrious government can come up with a shorter way to allow these folks to buy the trailers they are in!

  • July 17, 2007 at 1:47 am
    RAL says:
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    This is so typical! Give me a break, let these people have their trailer. Lets not put them in Hope, Ark, or where ever and let them rot!

  • July 17, 2007 at 3:18 am
    ANN E MOWZ says:
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    If you have ever been in one of these travel trailers in the heat of the LA summer or the deluge of a rainstorm, I dont think you’d think this was such a great idea. Can you imagine the aftermath of the NEXT hurricane or storm that takes out all of these flimsy shelters…the death/injury total, the lawsuits about “FEMA shouldnt have sold these units because they weren’t built for that use…!!!

  • July 18, 2007 at 8:41 am
    iceman says:
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    Trailers aren’t the issue. The current location of New Orlean is vulnerable and so are the homes in the southeast district. That will never change. There’s enough land to the north and west of the former city of New Orleans to invest in reconstruction. How many times are we going to throw good money after bad to rebuild New Orleans. There is no educational value intouching a hot iron a second time. It’s population dropped significantly, no new businesses are going to risk relocating there, and the it’s tourist appeal is gone. Anyone who insists on living there should do so at their own risk.

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