Texas Review Board Says Insurance Department Works, Offers Changes

May 22, 2008

  • May 22, 2008 at 2:38 am
    WAYNE says:
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    I am very surprised that the review board has almost negitive results. As an agent of 23 years I very much dishartened by the lack luster and poor performance of the Review Bord. I feel that the review should be every 4 years in order to better attend to economic changes and needs of insureds in Texas. I feel that the Review Bord needs a review itself. Why has TDI stood back and done nothing as the insurance companies are moving their regulated business to non regulated county mutuals and thus eliminate the effectiveness of TDI. The write your own ruel has also put the consumer and the agents in a very vulnerable position. It it almost impossable for the agent or consumer to compare policies and coverages in a resonable time and manor. I believe that credit scoreing and other rateing criteria is being used to manipulate pricing without TDI review unfairly and unjustly. The credit companies in Texas like Trans Union are doing a very poor job in making sure credit entries are justified and correct. Credit scoring methods should be esily available to and understood by the consumer as it it not today. Credit reporting needs to be overhauled now. TDI is knowingl allowing corrupt data to
    be used by the credit reporting companies and the insurance companies. Replacement cost is another abused criteria in use in rate structure that companies adjust regularly to raise rates. This has been admitted most of the carriers in Texas and it is evident, yet TDI does nothing. I just can’t believe that our legeslators have neglected the rights of Texas consumers for so long. The consmers who need the protection the most are being hurt the most. Insurance companies are reporting record profits even though they are using corrupt data to support their reports. The write your own is the most detrimental change for the consumer that has come out of TDI in recent history. It is time that evry agent speak out. Agents and insurance employees need an reportng avenue that is anonyous. This is the only way that they can be protected from reprisal for reporting unlawful and unethical activities. It is time for an elected position for the TDI Commesioner. In no other way will the Insurance industry in Texas be cleaned up.

  • November 11, 2008 at 6:52 am
    Angryintexas says:
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    TWIA is holding out and is refusing to pay for my damages. I have only filed one claim with them and it was Hurricane Ike. I need help. If somebody can contact me I would appreciate it very much. I am on the verge of hiring a public adjuster at this time. My TWIA expires on 11-12-2008 and if my roof is not replaced they will not reinsure me at all. Isn’t that a bumb deal maybe I should hold out the money until they get my roof fixed.
    This is really horrible the way the insurance company is treating people here in galveston county. Don’t under any circumstance use the adjusters out of Colorado.

  • January 18, 2009 at 7:16 am
    Dan Otto says:
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    Angryintexas: You are not alone. I am with “Texas Fair Plan Association”, What a misnomer. Pasco Claims Service, which was hired under the auspices of TFP, was at my “IKE” damaged retirement home in La Porte, TX, October 1st and sent TFP it’s report. I can not get through to a TFP adjuster and no adjuster has called me despite many phone messages that I have left. I sent a registered letter to them agreeing to the damage figures of Pasco Claims and even included relevent pages from my copy of Pasco’s report along with an estimate to repair my roof and fence damage. I’m looking for people that want to join me in a class action lawsuit. This despicable treatment of Texans in need, must be punished by the heavy hand of the law and with Texans working together we can get just action. Please join me and let’s help each other, because alone we are very soft voices, but together we can be heard all the way to Austin.

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