Former Oklahoma Commissioner Pleads No Contest to Bribe Charges

February 11, 2009

  • February 11, 2009 at 2:14 am
    Mr. Justice says:
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    You have got to be kidding. The judge showed lieniency because he had previously commited two other crimes and served time. I think someone should investigate the judge to make sure he is not accepting bribes from him.

  • February 12, 2009 at 3:49 am
    tylertoo says:
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    Watch what happens to the new Delaware commissioner. She ran and won on totally fabricated experience. What was her motivation for seeking office?

  • February 11, 2009 at 4:00 am
    tsntyler says:
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    It was probably nothing more than any other elected official does during a campaign…..he just managed to get CAUGHT.’

  • February 12, 2009 at 5:12 am
    Steven says:
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    How can he be guilty of accepting a bribe but the ones that offered it and benefited from it are not charged? If you can get Judge Vicki Robertson, the presiding Oklahoma County Judge to assign the right judge, you can get by with anything. General Edmondson gets elected by claiming he is going to prosecute Phillips and Fisher. He spends millions in taxpayer money to falslyl promote himself which is nothing more than fraud, and we accomplish a $5,000 fine? Fisher took $5,000 from Phillips aid Ray Roberts and Edmondson says it was a bribe. Why wasn’t the same $5,000 received by Oklahoma Department of Insurance general counsel Mike Ridgeway also a bribe then? Sure explains why a lot of favorable Top Flight Insurance company and Republic Insurance Company rulings came down from the ODI. Both were looted of millions of dollars and had real estate assets transferred to their other companies just before so called Receiverships and not one thing was done to stop them. Man, if I had only just paid them a $5,000 bribe, I mean donation..

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