Insurance Dept.: Public Adjusters Are Not Permitted in Arkansas

April 15, 2009

  • April 16, 2009 at 9:57 am
    Dimitry Manasov says:
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    crazy, how can state do that to it’s citizens!

  • April 16, 2009 at 12:06 pm
    NG says:
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    Anyone have any input? This is the first I’ve heard of this.

  • April 16, 2009 at 4:09 am
    PJ says:
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  • April 17, 2009 at 8:04 am
    PJ says:
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  • April 20, 2009 at 10:29 am
    Sam says:
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    Public Adjusters work on commission….a percentage of the settlement. The only way to make an insured “whole” following a loss, is to inflate the damages to cover the commission. If an accurate assessment was made, the insured would not be made “whole”, and would have to bear the cost of the PA. Having worked in claims for over 30 years and dealt with many PA’s, I can tell you they delay the settlement process and inflate costs.

    The allegation that a company claims adjuster won’t treat an insured fairly is insulting to all claims professionals. It’s the kind of mindless allegation made by PA’s and personal injury attorneys. Like they’ll be more effective? I doubt it. I have worked with several regional and national insurance carries and have NEVER been asked to low ball any claims settlement.

    • October 8, 2011 at 5:51 pm
      John Campbell says:
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      Public Adjusters have been active for well over a 100 years. They work only for the policyholder. They usually are retained once a dispute comes up between insured and insurer. Your loss is under your deductible. Almost 100 % of time this is a lie. Honest people can have a difference of 0pinion. Most P.A. learned their craft working for insurance companies. When they can stand it no longer the jump over to the side of angles.j

    • February 21, 2012 at 7:46 pm
      Matt says:
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      Well Sam I’m going to have to call you on this one. I was an adjuster for an insurance provider for 4 years. I was then an independent adjuster for 3 years and have been a Public Adjuster for around 4 years. I have seen many insurance claims come back to reflect a lower amount than needed to cover cost of repair. In fact I would say around 70% of insurance claims do NOT have adequate funds to cover repair to pre loss condition. The P.A. will not only make sure that the funds cover repair but will also make sure that repair is less than the funds AFTER his fee.

      The community is not stupid. They know that the insurance companies are not out for there own good. We adjuster’s are all to familiar with this fact as well. My average claim as a P.A. is 50-70% higher than what the insurance company wants to pay. Your trying to tell me the low ball offer is fair? The insurance companies are holding back owed money from people on most claims. PERIOD.

      • October 19, 2013 at 7:29 am
        J says:
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        In my experience as an adjuster PA’s have been useless. In fact, I have had more customers complain about the PA and their fees than me or my work. The bottom line is this: I write an estimate I believe to be fair and accurate, if the hired contractor disagrees then we discuss the differences and supplement the estimate. Ive been able to reach an agreement with the hired contractor 99.9 percent of the time. So again, PA’s are useless. They line up like vultures when a house fire is on the news, dispute the customers emotional condition. They add more confusion than comfort. Then the homeowner is left with paying the PA out of the money that should be repairing the home. Only in certain situations is a PA of any value.

  • April 20, 2009 at 11:19 am
    PJ says:
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    Sure the Public Adjuster works on a commission but please answer this; how can a PA or anyone get an insurance company to pay MORE than a claim is worth? Also, if the company paid the right amount on all losses WHY then do PAs exist in the first place?

    Check with your state DOI to see who more complaints have been filed against, insurance companies or PAs.

    Maybe you’ve never been asked to write a low estimate Sam, but I ask you; Who determines what software you use when writing your estimates? If you do, then do you ever change any of the lowball prices those programs have imbedded in them to reflect real life prices?

    Think about it Sam

    • July 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm
      Joe says:
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      Complete conspiracy nonsense. “BIG BAD INSURANCE COMPANINES” are groups of people. People like you and Sam. Fair and honest people that are being fair to their employer and the insured. The software they use is developed, updated, and maintained by an independent third party company that provides the exact same software to the contractors and body shops the use it to write your estimates for you. Sorry to bust your bubble, but there’s no secret hidden agenda, and no reason for PA’s. They just go around hustling people, just like 90% of lawyers, to try and make a buck off of them that they would have otherwise kept for themselves had they not played into the attorney’s and PA’s deceitful lies that the “big bad insurance company” was out to get them.

  • February 11, 2013 at 1:36 pm
    frank says:
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    public or independant adjuster are all working for insurance company if they dont write the way company wants then they never refer work to them plus independant uploads info and insurance company writes estimate in office acting like there independant did tricks scams lies deception with a smile.when insurance comes out dont let them take photos until you have agreed priice it the law and if appraiser refuses get supervisor out

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