Firefighters With Cancer Often Denied Workers’ Comp in Texas

August 15, 2018

  • August 16, 2018 at 9:36 am
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    “Firefighters have said that cities use a memo by the Texas Intergovernmental Risk Pool to dodge the cancer presumptive law. The memo only presumes three types of cancer are caused by firefighting: testicular, prostate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”


    “Union leaders have said that the memo and the risk pool ignore substantial research linking firefighting to other forms of cancer.”

    “Firefighters are much more likely to win benefits on appeal, with nearly 65 percent of cases winning workers’ compensation appeals over the past six years. But less than one-fifth of firefighters disputed their denied claims. Firefighters risk being sued by the cities that employ them, and often it’s too daunting a task to battle in court while battling cancer.”

    “Houston sued Margaret Roberts in 2015 after she appealed and won a workers’ compensation claim for her blood and bone cancer. The Houston Fire Department veteran of 23 years died in 2017, but the city’s lawsuit against her estate is ongoing.”


    Republican Rep. Dustin Burrows sponsored a bill to allow workers to challenge bad faith claim denials this past session, but it died in the Senate. Burrows plans to try again next January.

    “I am very, very, disappointed in what I’m seeing,” Burrows said. “I think there is a really strong argument that’s what’s going on here . that maybe they’re making economic decisions rather than actually contractually living up to their obligations.”


  • August 16, 2018 at 11:49 am
    Bob says:
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    It seems that I am reading more and more articles on states and insurance carriers that are denying or limiting work comp coverage and claim benefits. It is well known that many work related injuries or conditions take years to develop and lead to significant medical and physical debilitation as a person gets older. It clearly appears that in many cases the industry plays a waiting game until the person dies. Over the years, the intent and purpose of work comp has become a legal and political issue that neither the states nor federal government seem willing to address. Maybe one solution is to remove the “exclusive remedy” provision and allow the lawyers to have a field day with the business sector.

  • August 24, 2018 at 2:59 am
    Linda Joy Adams says:
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    All contracted out and at federal level govt contractors cannot be audited nor criminally investigated since 2002 and that means some federal laws and funding that pertain to state regulated claims cannot have federal budget used for oversight also and much of even approved bills are illegally dumped on to Medicare…with overpayments the patients heirs inherit and medical providers at risk as all get the illegal system that does not ven show there is a workers comp claim……AND ALL DONE BY ONE INTERLOCKED CABAL of one entity of linked and shell companies. For about 5years now for state regulated carriers…but almost two decades now for federal and until Congress votes to allow even existing budget nothing can be done and as states no resource..AND THOSE MEDICAL PROVIDEARS all now micromanaged by same contractors..and not allowed to diagnose and treats regardless of cause.EVERY CONFLICTING END and state and federal some entity contractors with hundreds of corporate names and those own stocks in larger companies. Let alone illegal alterations and skewed software from them has resulted in no safe mediations for 20 million or 40% of asthmatics who have non allergic kind.. now…and many of us are some kind of injury I have been at federal level approved case but no files posted and cast off no rights since contracted out and was one of about 6 type of medical precedent for toxic and chemical injureis; and its worse now than every with 39 federal agency judges on my cases alone in realted and at US Dept of Labor defied by Lynn Blodgett (phony name?) ruler of USA and Andy Jeff, Bill and Tom in nearly every area of our lives now and no govt to turn to allowed to spend money to stop blatant crimes ongoing and massive thefts of public monies ,,,WE FEDS WERE THE ‘CANARY IN THE MINE’ And no charges vs his company for water in Flint Michigan Congress does not allow it since ear mark to 6000 page bill in 2002 per Michael Horowitz to me in 2014. just before all OIG Directors had job duties changed to have little authority to act before a case is over and closed. and that is like tying the hands of the local police chief or sheriff not allowed to be involved in any current case in any way.. Justice that once was slow has come to a near halt.. Linda Joy Adams

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