Citrus Crop Losses Expected in Texas After Deep Freeze

By Andrew Tavani, AccuWeather | February 16, 2021

  • February 22, 2021 at 2:42 pm
    charles says:
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    everyone with half a brain knows that the citrus crops are lost for this year and maby next, however, is there any information anywhere that can tell me and others the best way to care for my trees now or are they a total loss?

    • March 1, 2021 at 11:26 am
      Pete Hamel says:
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      My parents lost their Citrus grove in the late 40’s as a result of a freeze. Our trees were older and mostly grapefruit. Trees were bulldozed and burned. They went to ‘truck farming’….so did many others, and prices for produce plummeted. We lost everything and moved out of the Valley. I have since heard in a casual conversation from someone from the Valley that many people did what we did with their Citrus trees and it turned out that people who didn’t burn, ended up with a healthy grove. I was told that we had much older trees and they would not survive.

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