Fla. Investigation: Brown & Brown Says It Carefully Monitors Brokers

November 10, 2004

  • November 10, 2004 at 9:01 am
    DS says:
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    Ask Brown & Brown’s 20 largest accounts if they know how much in commissions Brown & Brown receive on their account and I bet none of them know.

  • November 10, 2004 at 2:19 am
    RRR says:
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    Having experienced the quality of their oversight program by being a victim of a lair and a cheat working for Brown & Brown in Houston, TX. all I can say is, that company needs to be shut down if they think they have good controls in place. The agent sold a bogus PEO plan to a company 30 days before I was hired and it took me 2 1/2 tears to get coverage back in place. They acted only after the Texas Dept. of Insurance and several federal and state court cases were going. Plus, the CSR could not write a commercial auto schedule to save her life, sge used the truck license plate numbers instead of the VIN. I never could get that policy schedule corrected. I sent them over 20 memos and thet could not get it right.
    So, if they think they have good people and good system controls in place, they are, in my opinion, sadly mistaken.

  • November 10, 2004 at 2:20 am
    RRR says:
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    Having experienced the quality of their oversight program by being a victim of a lair and a cheat working for Brown & Brown in Houston, TX. all I can say is, that company needs to be shut down if they think they have good controls in place. The agent sold a bogus PEO plan to a company 30 days before I was hired and it took me 2 1/2 tears to get coverage back in place. They acted only after the Texas Dept. of Insurance and several federal and state court cases were going. Plus, the CSR could not write a commercial auto schedule to save her life, sge used the truck license plate numbers instead of the VIN. I never could get that policy schedule corrected. I sent them over 20 memos and thet could not get it right.
    So, if they think they have good people and good system controls in place, they are, in my opinion, sadly mistaken.

  • November 11, 2004 at 8:07 am
    wkm says:
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    I have worked for Brown & Brown for several years now, and I can personally attest to the quality and high standards that this company maintains in it’s day-to-day practice of providing services to it’s customers. I think that it is fair to say that any organization can have a situation where things go wrong, or could have perhaps been handled better, but this company keeps a very close eye on it’s procedures and personnel in an effort to conduct business with the highest integrity.

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