Dade County, IIABA Slates HIPAA CE Course Dec. 7 in Miami

November 11, 2005

“Taming the HIPAA Monster,” will be discussed from 9 a.m. to noon during a Dec. 7 continuing education course sponsored by the Independent Insurance Agents of Dade County. The fine points of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act will be presented by Judi Newman at the Sheraton Miami Mart Hotel.

The intermediate generic life and general lines CE course will address: agents and brokers ethical and moral obligation to learn more about the requirements of HIPAA and the impact it will have on business owners; and how each and every business owner may be impacted in more than one way with HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA is just not directed at the medical industry, it applies to all businesses. The course will enable participants to better understand what coverage is necessary to provide adequate protection to business owners, first a complete understanding of the law and knowledge of the potential impact must be accumulated.

This is a new law and the exposures related to it are still unfolding. There is currently no black or white, just varying shades of gray. Understanding the impact of HIPAA on general liability, directors and officers, professional liability and workers’ compensation coverage is just unfolding. Case law has yet to occur. Knowing what to insure and what coverage will apply is still open for discussion.

To register for the course contact IIADC, 13615 South Dixie Hwy., PMB #373 Miami. FL 33176, Phone: 305-969-6935 Fax: 305-969-4897, or e-mail: Website:

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