State Farm Settles Miss. Katrina Lawsuits; Agrees to Reopen Other Miss. Claims

By | January 24, 2007

  • January 26, 2007 at 8:51 am
    State Farm Denied Policyholder says:
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    Is it too late to file a suit?

    A. Get A Lawyer
    B. Attorney Generals Class Settlement
    C. Mediation
    D. Try to Settle Directly to State Farm

  • April 4, 2007 at 9:06 am
    Dale says:
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    You forgot one:

    E. Have a loss that is covered by your insurance contract!!!!!!!!!

  • May 7, 2007 at 7:26 am
    State Farm Denied Policyholder says:
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    Right…That is impossible to collect on anything that is covered because the policy excludes anything that could possibly destroy your home.

    Power of lies & deception…

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