Fla. Infant’s Crib Death May Be Linked to Rail Involved in Recall

September 24, 2007

  • September 24, 2007 at 1:30 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Now before everyone gets their panties in a twist…i am pro-baby. i do not like to see baby’s die.

    If the parent’s are installing the door incorrectly is that really the fault of the company? don’t get me wrong, i appreciate the recall to see if they can get it ironed out…but lets say this goes to court…do the parent’s really have a case if they didn’t assemble it the way it was supposed to be? (i guess in my mind that’s like saying you can sue a car dealership if you crash your car into wall while driving at 150mph.)

  • September 24, 2007 at 1:53 am
    himself says:
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    The crib was in broken condition when the child died…how is that involved in the recall, and the soon-to-be-filed lawsuit? I’m curious as to how the crib got broken and for how long the parents of this poor child knew it was broken, yet did nothing to repair or replace the broken part.
    I think the official recall makes it nearly impossible for the manufacturer to defend itself in such compassionate cases. It’s almost like negligence per se when the Commission is behind the recall. Plays right into the hands of the plaintiffs’ bar.

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