Florida Task Force Set to Vote on Citizens Insurance Reforms Today

January 6, 2009

  • January 7, 2009 at 7:51 am
    leopard1 says:
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    I’ve been involved in the Citizens situation and have found it very frustrating. I’m hopeful that the governor and insurance commissioner will be sensible and adopt these suggestions. But, I am equally wary that Charlie Crist and Kevin McCarthy (gov and commish)will maintain their cynical, pandering position in declaring that Floridians can’t get a fair deal in the market place and are being “ripped off” by private insurance carriers. If they maintain that posture (I’m betting they might), then we will be stuck with this massive liability on all Floridians and an unfixable insurance market.

  • January 7, 2009 at 12:05 pm
    j says:
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    This rule is pointless and spending any more time or energy on it is futile. There is no way to enforce this rule and therefore agents will look the other way if they can save their clients 14%. Also keep in mind that clients shop aroundanies and not all agents contracted with Citizens are contracted with private carriers.

    Secondly how do you calculate 15% when comparing when no two companies have identical coverages and policy forms.

  • January 7, 2009 at 2:28 am
    Concerned Citizen says:
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    The problem is not the price of the insurance but instead it is the quality of service that is provided by Citizens versus the quality provided by the other smaller companies.

    At the end of the day, sooner or later, the state is going to face a collapse of the insurance industry because there are to many small companies with few reserves and supluses set in place in case of a mayor catastrophe.

    I am in favor of complete control of the insurance industry by one company.

  • January 7, 2009 at 2:44 am
    South FLA Agent says:
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    To: Concerned Citizens,

    You have absolutely no clue what you are doing and it is people like you that are destroying our industry and country. If you want to live in a socialist environment, MOVE!!!! FYI: It is major not mayor. Furthermore, the service provided by Citizens is the worst in the industry so you obviously have not had any experience in the insurance environment.

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