Georgia Supreme Court Upholds Emergency Room Tort Reform Law

March 15, 2010

  • March 16, 2010 at 8:33 am
    Michael Kirsch, M.D. says:
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    This is welcome news. ER physicians are forced to protect themselves with unnecessary testing because they rightfully fear litigation. See under Legal Quality.

  • March 16, 2010 at 11:02 am
    OmniSure says:
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    Tort Reform is synonymous COMMUNISM! In a capitalistic economy there are financial penalties for mistakes and lack of effort and financial reward for hard work preformed properly, free form “mistakes” When a capitalist makes a mistake, it should hurt financially so that mistakes are not perpetuated to continue to cause economic problems that must be reimbursed by the service providers and professionals that don’t make so many mistakes. In COMMUNISM IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE AND HURT SOMEONE, THERE ARE NO PENALIES just an “oh well” I’m IMMUNE FROM LIABILITY becasue the laws in my COMMUNIST COUNTRY say so. And isn’t it ironic that the preponderance of Tort Reform Proponents are REPUBLICAN?

    What we REALLY NEED are JUDGES that have COMMON SENSE and can discern and dispense awards and penalies that are commensurate with the MISTAKE. The PIE IN THE SKY AWARD is THE LEGAL SYSTEM REWARDING ITSELF! Judges are in the possition to STOP THE NONSENSE and bring REASON AND COMMON SENSE back to our OUT OF CONTROL “LEGAL” SYSTEM or LEGAL LOTTERY as some have discribed it.
    Tort reform we don’t need, JUDGE REFORM we DO NEED.

    Total Legal Immunity! That only happens in CHINA! Of couse if you embarrass the President/Paramount Leader, your fate may be that of the sword.

    But if the Chinese and the Doctor’s in America can have legal immunity why not me personally. I’m tired of buying new tires and making sure my brakes are in good repair, it costs a lot of extra money to maintain and have the TESTS PREFORMED ON MY AUTO (to reduce the likelyhood of an accident)… Get It? I wan’t a trampoline in my back yard and not have to wory about a MILLION DOLLAR LAW SUIT if my neighbors kid is paralized form a fall. I take good care of my employees, I try to keep them as safe as possible, the CHINESE DON’T PAY FOR WORK COMP, Why should I have to pay for work comp to transfer my “EMPLOYERS laiblity”? American Doctor’s want reduced or complte immunization from thier PROFESSIONAL liability, WHY SHOULDN’T I HAVE IT TOO?

    And the COMMUNISTIC SNOW BALL continues to ROLL DOWN HILL. Nikita is saying he told us so…

    Dosvidaniya Comrades.

  • March 16, 2010 at 2:00 am
    Sarah says:
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    Doctor, have you reduced your rates for emergency room visits? As I know your rates for medical Malpractice will be reduced accordingly with this law.

    The only real way we are going to reduce the cost of health insurance is with reduction in the cost of care.


    Your fees are rediculusly high!

  • March 16, 2010 at 2:20 am
    Michael Kirsch, M.D. says:
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    What doctor in the country sets his own rates, except those who practice concierge medicine?

  • March 17, 2010 at 8:12 am
    nobody important says:
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    To paraphrase from Blazing Saddles, I’m glad we all have been able to experience genuine frontier gibberish. Thanks Omnisure, for providing us with a prime example.

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