Tennessee Governor Again Vetoes Bill Allowing Guns in Bars

By | May 21, 2010

  • May 21, 2010 at 1:32 am
    Reed says:
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    NOBODY except a police officer and possibly the owner of bar has any need or business having weapon. Why would anyone need to carry a loaded weapon into a bar? There aren’t any shooting ranges inside a bar. It only follows that any dimwit packing heat wouldn’t hesitate to use it in the event of a confrontation. The politicians who support the “right” to carry a concealed or non-concealed weapon should be voted out.

  • May 21, 2010 at 1:40 am
    Paul says:
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    Apparently you have not ran into one of these ‘Prison Byatch Wannabes’ pigeon walking in front of you.

    Well, I have. He pigeoned walked across the street in front of me. Then gave me a lot of filthy mouth after I almost hit him. I gave the wannabe two choices, pigeon walk away or create a lot of paperwork for the local LEOs.

    The wannabee ran his mouth until he heard the slide on the 40 that I carry, then hurried pigeon walked away.

  • May 21, 2010 at 1:55 am
    Disbelief says:
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    These politicians obviously do not go to bars. Someone’s mood may change in an instant and all it takes is a dirty look from someone else and liquid courage for this to end tragically. Guns have no business in bars. SMH…

  • May 21, 2010 at 2:01 am
    Extremely well educated says:
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    Reed, I know how much people like you hate to let facts and reason get in the way of your pithy emotion-based viewpoints, but try to keep up while I explain.

    1) Just because there are no shooting ranges in bars doesn’t mean there aren’t ever shootings. Sometimes, bad people do bad things and good people, thanks to fearful people like you, find themselves unarmed, and therefore, at the mercy of aforesaid bad people.

    2) I’m not a dimwit. In fact, I am extremely well educated (see “Posted by”) and carry a gun wherever and whenever I can.

    3) Whether extremely well educated or a dimwit, if you knew what you were talking about, you’d know that citizens who lawfully carry firearms are statistically unlikely (extremely unlikely) to use them inappropriately. If this were not the case, you might see evidence of your hypothesized scenario in the states where it is already legal to carry firearms in establishments that serve alcohol.

    In conclusion, I offer this advice: Just say “NO” to ignorance.

  • May 21, 2010 at 2:11 am
    Disbelief says:
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    If you have to point out that you are “extremely well educated”, you’re prob not, just saying. Guns have no business in a bar or restaurant. Why do ppl need to carry guns anywhere in the first place? If you’re so scared of “bad people” then stay at home. And look at stats regarding crime rate in Detroit and crime rate just across the river in Canada where ppl don’t own guns.

  • May 21, 2010 at 2:15 am
    matt says:
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    One of the few instances in which a lawfully carrying patron would be more likely to use a gun inappropriately would be while intoxicated at a bar.

    I’m all for gun rights but I’m more in favor of a bar’s right to say “leave the gun at home or get out of my bar.”

  • May 21, 2010 at 2:35 am
    Extremely well educated says:
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    Actually, I am. I wouldn’t ordinarily go there, but Reed’s “dimwit” comment seemed to warrant rebuttal. It was a style thing.

    Anyway, Detroit and Canada are apples and oranges. Detroit contains an impoverished, urban population with illegal guns – they’re criminals before we even get started. Canada represents an economically superior population with, regardless of firearms ownership, a much lower proclivity towards violent crime.

    The good news is, we don’t have to speculate as to what would happen if lawfully carried firearms were introduced into a bar. There are plenty of examples already. To wit: in Virginia (until recently – and I’m not sure when the law takes effect), even with a concealed carry permit, you could go in a bar, but were required to carry OPENLY. Oddly enough, your predictions seem baseless, as there is no problem in VA with lawfully armed citizens becoming inebriated and shooting people.

    Now that I’ve shown you an actual example of where this is NOT a problem, it’s your turn. I will gladly wait for you to identify the locale where lawfully armed individuals carry in bars, get drunk, and shoot people. I won’t hold my breath, however.

  • May 21, 2010 at 2:50 am
    Mickey says:
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    I realize you are a legend in your own mind and have, in your warped opinion, high regard for yourself. Unfortunately, unless you can get at least one other person to attest to your superiority please stuff it.

    Anyone who knowingly patronizes a bar that allows clientele that might pose a threat to others is a fool. Bringing a gun to a place like that means you relish the challenge.

    Beyond the red-necked liberal “it’s my right” argument there is another issue. When some whack job decides he/she must respond with their loaded pistol it puts innocent people at risk, not just the two jackasses involved in the altercation. I don’t too many people who can guarantee they won’t squeeze off an errant round that injures or kills some innocent person. It simply isn’t worth the risk. I’ll bet that in addition to being brilliant, you also own a pit bull.

  • May 21, 2010 at 3:09 am
    Just Curious says:
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    Check out Paul’s post below. Paul is clearly a man who carries a gun. He is proud of threatening someone with nothing more than a big mouth with his gun when he could have much more easily just driven away thus avoiding escalating the exceedingly minor incident.

    His story definitely gives us an idea on how stringent the requirements are for being allowed to carry a gun in his state.

    Mr. Well Educated – How comfortable are you sitting in a bar next to this jackass knowing he’s got a gun – and it’s legal?

    Maybe most people with guns aren’t scary idiots but, clearly, some are. There is no way guns and alcohol mix safely for anyone.

  • May 21, 2010 at 3:16 am
    WK says:
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    Just a thought but this is a law that will allow legally owned and carried firearms(by permit)in a bar. So this is a law that only affects people who would obey such a law to begin with and who are legally allowed to carry a firearm. I see the problem being that there a whole lot of people who won’t care, carry firearms illegally or are criminals to begin with. Criminals won’t care what the law is. I support the NRA, have a permit and yet find that I would not carry a firearm in a bar or restaurant. That being said I do find that laws on firearms only apply to those who would obey the law to begin with. People who lawfully apply and are granted a permit generally will obey these laws. Criminals won’t. I find that people think those of us with permits to carry a firearm are either afraid of everything or want to act like police. That is ignorant thinking. Consider this. One, you cannot defend yourself with your fists against a criminal with a gun and there are a lot of criminals with guns. Two, most permit holding people carry to protect themselves from these criminals because we know we can’t count on the police and you can’t defend yourself from criminals that have guns. I laugh at all the people who think gun owners are weak or scared. What is reality is those who don’t think they need one are deluded. Go fight the punk criminal holding a gun with your fists and see what happens. I do agree that alcohol and guns don’t mix.

  • May 22, 2010 at 8:01 am
    Paul says:
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    First you dumb@$$, I did not have to drive away and I could not if I had wanted too. He was blocking my path. I am partially disabled. I cannot run from a threat.

    As for my carry, yes it is legal. I have had my permit for over 30 years.

    As for your point. Did I draw on this prison byatch. No! I gave him a choice, something that most of those thugs do not give anyone else. Usually they travel in a gang and if it had been a gang, yes, problems may have arose. But I will say this to the wannabe prison byatches, come at me, my family, my friends or even an unknown innocent and just try me. I don’t want to shoot you, but I damn sure will!

  • May 27, 2010 at 2:07 am
    Defender of the 2nd Amendment says:
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    Lets say “Samson” gets drunk and wants to fight “Tiny Tim”. Let’s say that Samsom is 300ibs of strength, wereas Tiny Tim is 130ib nothing. Lets say Sampson isn’t armed, but Tim is. Tim now has a much better chance of protecting himself from drunk Samson, and can just flash the holster and that may sober Samson up a little and think twice about messing with Tim.

    Or how about Samson is getting amorus with Suzy, who is 5 foot nothing. Samson wants her to come with him to his place, but she wont have it. Again, Samson is unarmed and Suzy is. Suzy now has a better chance of protecting herself from Samson.

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