Florida Senate Committee Postpones Vote on Property Legislation

By | February 8, 2011

  • February 8, 2011 at 2:56 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Let all homeowners carriers charge what they want but require them to write new homeowners business if licensed for auto. If you dont right home and only auto, leave the state we really do not need you we have enough auto writers. (We have got to get the good carriers writing again before the wind blows these startups to kingdom come.

    Exclude sinkhole coverage and start writing the coverage monoline through Citizens if the state thinks they want the coverage available and allow for actuarily sound rates so we all dont get hammered by sinkhole claims.

    Just a few ideas, I know everyone else has an idea as well, we just need to do something different than what we have been doing during the last governors administrations, the only thing we have done is been politicizing the insurance industry. Its time for solutions to our market issues.

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