Florida Senate Advances Bill Banning Texting While Driving

March 7, 2013

  • March 7, 2013 at 1:45 pm
    DJ says:
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    Worried it is a “government intrusion”? Kinda like seat belts and restraints “intruded” on our safety. How’s that seat belt intrusion working out for you??
    Why/who would we NOT want this law? Are you saying you actually like for people to be driving and texting at same time…and feel safe with that going on??

  • March 7, 2013 at 1:51 pm
    Eval Kaneval says:
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    While those who text and drive think it is an intrusion, this law is more about the safety of the other people on the road who get crashed into when others are texting.
    They should ban texting and they should ban talking on the phone too. You cannot do 2 things at once.

  • March 7, 2013 at 2:01 pm
    V says:
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    I wish that we could pass a country wide law against texting and driving. I can’t tell you how many close calls I have had from people drifting over into my lane or slowing abruptly. I generally try to get away from these people and 99% of the time I see an I-pad or phone laying on the steering wheel as I go by. It is unmistakeable, especially when it is dark outside.

    Phone calls are ok with voice command dialing and a bluetooth or earphones. If they ban talking they may as well duct tape our mouths when we have passengers. If you are hands free with the phone, you can certainly talk and drive.

  • October 28, 2013 at 10:20 am
    The killjoy kid says:
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    Texting while driving is bad, it has killed and injurded many even and uncle of myne. I am so younge and even I agree that there should be a cell phone ban while driving.

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