Georgia Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Bill

By | April 20, 2015

  • April 21, 2015 at 10:20 am
    Church says:
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    This very restrictive and illogical law in Georgia is a half-baked joke!
    It has obviously been concocted by the pandering pack of thieves in the Georgia Legislature.
    THC has no effect on any of those illnesses. CBD is what they want.
    The Feds need to lower MJ from sched 1 to sched 3, or better yet, remove from schedule.

  • April 21, 2015 at 10:31 am
    Church says:
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    This law in Georgia is a half-baked joke!
    It has obviously been concocted by the pandering pack of thieves in the Georgia Legislature.
    THC has no effect on any of those illnesses. CBD is what they want.
    The Feds need to lower MJ from sched 1 to sched 3, or better yet, remove from schedule and treat like beer and wine.

  • April 21, 2015 at 10:56 am
    Stan says:
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    Texas is next, Agent!

  • April 27, 2015 at 10:49 am
    Don't get it says:
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    “That’s what scares people like Mike Hopkins, 53, of Covington, who came home from Colorado for the ceremony. He said he’s not willing to take a chance that his daughter, Michala, might not be able to be treated with cannabis oil. Two of his children have died.”

    It always surprises me that people are willing to take the same chance over and over again with their children’s lives. Why not adopt?

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