Class-Action Suit Filed Against South Carolina Town Over Speeding Ordinance

July 1, 2016

  • July 1, 2016 at 10:46 am
    CommonSense says:
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    Speed enforcement has little or nothing to do with safety. It’s all about revenue. Safety would be much better served by ticketing drivers using cell phones, weaving in and out of lanes without signaling, driving slow in a passing lane, etc. Unfortunately, that requires work from the traffic cop who would rather sit in his hidey-hole at the side of the road waiting for his radar to bleep so he can write another tax, uh I mean ticket.

  • July 6, 2016 at 1:53 pm
    CalDude says:
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    If you consider the loss of life and property revenue, then yes it is all about that. Your comment eludes logic.

  • August 18, 2016 at 11:58 am
    gene cicone says:
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    On 3/14/2016 while heading home to FL. after my brother in laws funeral in Conway SC I was heading to rte 95 using 378,,the posted speed limit as I remember went from 65 to 45 in a very short amount of time. As I passed a small store I se an unmarked car that was parked in this store turn around and came after me. The LT. at this time issued me a $588.00 speeding ticket. IS THIS RIGHT?

  • December 27, 2016 at 9:20 pm
    Dennis Mueller says:
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    How can someone who was caught in this towns speed trap join a class action law suit? I was stopped in this town in early April of 2016 and my “bail” which the “ticket” stated was $288.00. No points charged to my driving record in Florida nor reported to my GEICO.

    Any information that anyone has to assist me is welcomed.

    Thank you

  • June 2, 2017 at 1:22 pm
    Alicia says:
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    I too would like to join the Turbeville, SC town speed trap class action lawsuit. I was stopped going to see a family member in Conway in the hospital. This took place on Saturday April 8, 2017. I was given a white ticket for speeding that was printed out in his vehicle, not a blue “state ticket” like you might expect from the highway patrol warning
    or ticket.

    Lt. Philip C. Wilkes explained to me that I could come to court and he would suggest a reduction in the $388 fine. That the judge would probably do that. Or I could have a “state ticket” which would give me points against my license and be reported to my insurance company causing my insurance to go up. Other options: to show up in court have fine reduced or just mail the $388 in the envelope provided with the address already printed on it.

    I was going towards Conway on US-378. The speed limit was 60 mph for a long time then suddenly dropped to 45 mph then 35 mph. So quickly that as I was frantic and distraught already trying to find my way, I didn’t notice until I got to the town “traffic” light which was red and I stopped at it with no problem. There was a “festival” going on and orange cones out everywhere so I was going about 1 mph through the town when I noticed blue lights in my rear view mirror. Immediately I pulled to the curb and asked what I had done. Officer Lt. Philip C.Wilkes proceeded to tell me that he was going the opposite direction when he clocked me for speeding & had to turn around to stop me after I had gotten through to the other side of the town. I was shocked, stunned & in dis-believe of what was happening.

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