Florida Principal Arrested in $16K Hurricane Irma Insurance Fraud Attempt

November 29, 2018

An elementary school principal in Jacksonville, Fla., has been arrested in an alleged attempt to commit more than $16,000 in insurance fraud related to Hurricane Irma, according to a statement from Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis, who leads the state’s Department of Financial Services.

Darrell Perry, principal of Timucuan Elementary in Jacksonville, is accused of attempting to defraud State Farm Insurance Co. for damages claimed to be sustained during Hurricane Irma.

Investigations revealed Perry submitted fraudulent and altered repair invoices to State Farm requesting $16,042 in reimbursements due to alleged damages to his home from Hurricane Irma. Investigators found that Perry altered two of the invoices and fabricated another for fake repairs that never occurred.

Perry turned himself in to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office on Nov. 16. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison.

“Lying about hurricane damage while many Floridians lost everything during Hurricane Irma is sickening. Insurance fraud takes money from Florida families with legitimate claims and drives up insurance rates for us all. As many Floridians recover from Hurricane Michael that impacted our state one month ago, I want to put everyone on notice: If you choose to commit insurance fraud to make a quick buck, you will be thrown in jail,” Patronis said.

Source: Florida Department of Financial Services

Topics Catastrophe Natural Disasters Florida Fraud Hurricane

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