Florida Legislature Weighs Options to Address Rising Homeowners Insurance Costs

By Corey K. Setterlund | February 24, 2021

  • February 24, 2021 at 3:20 pm
    Wayne says:
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    Add in a provision to allow an insurer to pay property claims reported more than 180 days after the date of loss at ACV.

  • February 24, 2021 at 4:20 pm
    William Murphy says:
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    Its about time something is done here… the attorneys, roofers, and adjusters are taking advantage of the system and the good homeowning people of Florida are paying for it. Lower our rates, get the mortgage companies on board with the new revised guidelines so they’re acceptable across the industries, and get the attorneys and adjusters out of our door knocking in our neighborhood. The abuse is rampant and if legislators can’t see it, they’re welcome to walk through my neighborhood and broward county and see the number of roofs getting replaced all once by the same roofing company.

    • April 23, 2021 at 11:10 am
      Roger says:
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      Is the number of roof repairs observed attributable to storm damage or marketing? Marketing does not cause roof damage and necessary repairs are validated by an engineering report. Severe storms cause many instances of damage (ipso facto). Your comment re: abuse is an assumption.

  • February 25, 2021 at 2:18 pm
    okt0ber says:
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    It looks like these Florida proposed laws were written in Northbrook, Illinois and Austin, Texas. The roof schedule is an Allstate invention, and the prior notice rules were enacted in Texas in 2017. They should help solve some of the problems regardless of who thought them up.

  • March 1, 2021 at 10:37 am
    FRAN says:
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    If the State would allow the free market, competition would bring the price down. Instead of legislating pricing, let competition do what they do best. Competition always bring down prices. Over the years the Legislation has driven away companies over their regulations. Allowing companies to do business will improve their products and services. They need to look at other states that have lower insurance cost. Those states do not legislate, but allow the free market to prosper and we have significantly more competition and significantly lower insurance cost.

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