WCIRB to Propose a Reduction in Pure Premium Rates

May 12, 2004

  • May 12, 2004 at 9:14 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    Oh, but you are some wrong Dimitri on your analogy, truly injured worker’s are getting the most, screwed that is. And all that whinning by some of those hefty premium increase’s by WCIRB to the employers was effectively created by crooked deals, pick your math WCIRB benefits for the scheme and set ups by other employers, insurance agents, broker’s, carrier’s and legislator’s back in the days now wasn’t it? Only the manipulation wasn’t showing the risks to that of the un-particpants of the scheme’s until now.

  • May 12, 2004 at 11:20 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    The way I see it is: Time to send the WCIRB on a road trip to the moon. Your a worthless enterprise!! California algerbra 1. One being the lowest. They haven’t found water on mars yet have they?

  • May 12, 2004 at 1:20 am
    Doug LeMieux says:
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    BIG DEAL !!
    They raised the rates 200% and they are going to reduce them 15%. That is an insult! It will not stop me from moving my business out of state.
    It will take much more than 15% to get me excited about a rate reduction.
    I think if the employees want workers comp they should pay for it!

  • May 12, 2004 at 5:10 am
    TJ says:
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    I agree with Doug. BIG DEAL !! The pockets will still get fat for the Insurance Companies. I think it is a good idea for the employees to pay something into the W/C kitty. This may help them to think twice about filing a claim that is not a real claim. And the industry needs to rehab the employees and get them back to work faster and or on disability. This will definately cut the costs in a measuarable way. There is enough insurance to cover someone if they get hurt. Personal Insurance, Short and Long Term Disability and Workers Compensation. I think the sneaky lawyers found a way to get at more money going into the work comp kitty and now it is way out of hand. This is a small start but there is much more to do in order to make this mess clean.

  • May 12, 2004 at 6:16 am
    Dimitri says:
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    The rate reductions will hopefuly provide some relief.
    It remains to be seen how much reform will be accomplished.
    It would be hard for the employees to buy the insurance since it is
    the Employer who is indemnified through the insurance agreement.

    If the employees were responsible for buying the coverage then
    the employer would lose his protection against being sued for
    the causative factors within his control- unguarded equipment,
    inneffective training, poor hiring practices, inadequate supervision.

    The net effect could be to increase the employers exposure to loss.
    Doug is right that something more probably needs to be done. It doesn’t
    appear to be the injured workers who are getting the most out of the deal.

  • May 13, 2004 at 11:15 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 2002
    San Francisco, CA 94102

    September 20, 1996

    RE: Deborah L. Kegley v. American Restaurant Group, Cal Comp, Claim No. 20180226-334

    Dear Ms. Kegley: I have received your complaint and read it with interest and concern. However, the validity of the QME is not within the jurisdiction of the Audit Unit. Disputes regarding medical question are the exclusive jurisdiction of the Worker’s Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). You should consult your attorney. If you don not have an attorney the Information and Assistance Officer (I&A) at the WCAB can provide assistance. The I&A Officer in your area is located at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Room 240, San Jose – telephone (408) 277-1292. Sincerely, Norman Paley Workers’ Compliance Officer. If the department of Industrial Relations is NOT responsible for the behavior of QME’s and making sure their credentials are not fake (Mr. Arthur Lewis Messinger M.D.) appointed by Cal Comp Insurance company, then who is?

  • May 13, 2004 at 12:47 pm
    WC man says:
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    I want to know if whatever drug that Debbie is taking, is it available to all of us? Sounds like she is on a pretty good trip. Debbie: Here is a tip, try printing full sentences, and don’t ramble from thought to thought within a sentence. It almost looks like you are text messaging!.

    On the WC rate side, I sure don’t remember any employers screaming and complaining when the rates were artificially low and employers were getting WC for almost nothing several years back.

  • May 13, 2004 at 1:51 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    All you gotta do is file a workers compensation claim against your American Restraunt Group Employer, Black Angus. From there you get a referral to their worker’s compensation insurance carrier, (CalComp) favorite M.D. & without notice of just what a FU he is. The drug residue is Nortriptyline. That’s been the classification of drug choice by Health Net to deny my worker’s compensation claim. The State of Arizona would be glad to clarify that for them. Studies have been done to disprove CalComp’s assertion that prescribing Nortriptyline by my neurologists constitues psychiatric injury. Somehow, that is an accepted diagnosis by Insurance Carrier’s standards even with scientic evidence suggesting that my mind was NOT causing the physical symptoms discribed and clinically defined. In case you ever get severe neurological pain yourself, I’d recommed you do not sacrifice the stigma of psychiatric drugs over RX treatment that works. And the probability of these employers ever screaming now would be dependant on their classification of Self-Insured or not. Hum, I do ramble on but English was never my subject of best anyhow, Mathamatics works for me. And your problem is WC Man?

  • May 13, 2004 at 3:31 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    Ya, that’s right!! What do you call open source availability of patient’s MR’s history? (Theives).
    Suppose you call up California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and give them your social security number? You will find a May 11th & 12th, 1966 Emergency room visit belonging to Mercy Hospital of Folsom. What’s it doing there? and why?
    Why is a Sequoia Hospital Pathology of a miscarriage report of June 11, 1985 combined with Palo Alto Medical Foundation fetal ultrasound report of 10/05/87 used to create a false medical record as an Emergency visit history date of 7/6/87 located in the medical record files at El Camino Hospital? Because a worker’s comp claim was filed.

    Why is there a El Camino Hospital Emergency Department MR date June 26, 1983 for a right wrist injury showing up there? Why did you take a post-operative x-ray of 1979 from a private physician and use it to distort the truth? A Few Question for you Health Net? aka CalComp insurance company “The Company”

    Were you ever in the vacinity of Emanuel Hospital in Portland, Oregon either?
    Have you ever visited Vancouver Memorial Hospital in Vancouver, Washington medical records monument?
    Did you ever look at a St. Joseph Community Hospital physician’s order sheet?
    Do you know of any orthpaedic & fracture clinic’s in Vancouver, Washington?
    Did you know that Mr. Arthur Messinger M.D. had a Oregon Medical license to practice medicine, but forgot he was in california?
    If you haven’t checked out the VA Hospital in Vancouver, Washington.. I hear that’s a nice place.
    How do you feel about psychiatic disability now?

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