L.A. Broker Arrested for Allegedly Pocketing $381,000 in Premiums

April 14, 2006

  • April 14, 2006 at 12:36 pm
    InsuranceChick says:
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    You can run, but you can\’t hide when you owe The Company money!

  • April 14, 2006 at 3:02 am
    MUD says:
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    Oh there are other thiefs out there. Should I ask what these carriers qualifications for being a producer actually are. And why they let it go on for so long. Point made. Enjoy your Easter and the free gift we receive by faith for what happened on that day 2000 years ago.

  • April 14, 2006 at 3:32 am
    Neal Bobb CLU says:
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    This comes on top of the new Prematic Class Action lawsuit, by policyholders. SF Bay Area news station CBS5 reports Farmers using Google Earth to cancel policies. Farmers did not return phone calls. Looks like a freefall in California.




  • April 16, 2006 at 10:46 am
    IndAgent says:
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    MUD, Nobody wants to see their company being bashed, so I can understand your concern for wanting to protect your company. I was in the Farmers system for nearly 15 years. You can pretty up Farmers, but they are who they are. Yes, unprofessional practices are not limited to Farmers, but no doubt Farmers gets more than their fair share and I think that is why everyone is pointing this out. I mean you have an ex-fellon being a partner in a Farmers Agency! One of the reasons you are so insecure about Farmers is because even want to believe Farmers is a great company. Buddy, the truth is, Farmers had some incompitent leadership over many years starting in the mid-90s. DMs are among the most corrupt in the industry. Nevertheless, you can deny this, that is fine, but the ones who are either still with Farmers or have left Farmers know the truth.

  • April 17, 2006 at 7:13 am
    MUD says:
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    I am not an insurance agent. I am an accountant for a large independent insurance agency. I have watched everyone come into debates with preconceived notions about certain events. Ray W. was a criminal who got caught stealing. The result of the article was an all out attack on Farmers for hiring this well known person. My point was that all insurance companies are whores for big name celebs. But it is not there fault when people, celebs or not, go outside the law. This article just goes to show that people are bad. It makes no difference if they are an agent, CEO, or secretary when it comes to doing evil.

  • April 17, 2006 at 9:01 am
    ExFarmboy says:
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    I don\’t think you can compare the $381,966 theft over 6 months with the $8,000,000 over 4 years by Ray W.. The the 6 months cae the carriers and GA turned in the guilty party. Not the case with Ray. Farmers was caught with their pants down (I think they actually pulled them down them selves)when the DOI and other authorities arrested Ray. They did not apppear to have any idea this was going on. You are correct in that theft can happen to any company at any time, but not in that amount over that period of time without either assistance or incompetance.

  • April 17, 2006 at 11:26 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Farmers and Ex-Farmers are coming here pointing the hiring practices of Farmers. Famers agents know what the hell is going on, anybody who can breath can become a Farmers Agent. I have seen District Managers get so many exceptions to put on the most questionable people! Let me ask you, what qualifies you to know about Farmers, given you are a CPA for a large agency? Did you go from a Farmers Agent to a CPA of a large agency? I sure doubt it, that is a very unusual and illogical career path. That would be like me telling you what is going on in your large agency, I would be clueless if I didn\’t work for your agency. Obviously, you story crumbles before the reader is finished reading it!

  • April 17, 2006 at 11:30 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Well said Farmboy, how can it even be possible to collect 8 million dollars without a claim being filed or a billing question not coming up to the regional office that will bring to the attention of this. Incompitence is an understatement, this is far beyond that.

  • April 18, 2006 at 7:18 am
    MUD says:
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    I was never ever involved with Farmers. There is no crumbling story. Insurance companies are whores, but no matter how perfect a system, including mine and yours…people will steal, they will lie, they will cheat, and they will try to find some EASIER way to RICHES. If you read this magazine frequently you will find many crimes from the secretary on up. I have no idea about Farmers District Managers, their hiring practices or whatever…I also don\’t care. I want you to think about the comment \”well he only stole a few hundred thousand dollars\” ONLY a few hundred thousand..come on. So if I murder only 200 people I cannot be that bad cause someone else murdered 8000. RIDICULOUS!!!!! Farmers will fall away by themselves if their SYSTEM is so horrible. But thieves will still try and find their money supply in the companies you represent as well as the companies my agency represents. Cause it all comes down to the fact that people are people and do stupid people things!!!

  • April 18, 2006 at 7:21 am
    MUD says:
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    Dont add what you might think needs to be added to the story. Just the facts Mam!!!
    I know, I know, if you read it on the net it MUST BE TRUE!!! A judge would not even allow statements like that in the courtroom!!!

  • April 18, 2006 at 7:25 am
    MUD says:
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    More adding to the story..guessing based on your pre-conceived notions of Farmers. I would love to do the same thing to all of you folks and see how you like being the conversation of gossip. Ray W. is a thief, this guy from this article is a thief. They both got caught. BUT no mention of how horrible the company the last one stole from or how it was the companies fault and not the thiefs!! I thought you business men believed in accountability and truth telling!!!

  • April 18, 2006 at 9:34 am
    IndAgent says:
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    MUD, you appear to be emotional which is highly unusual for an educated person such as a CPA. An intelligent debator would not downright call insurance companies \”whores\” but instead would give some examples of what goes on to lead you audiance to believe they are \”whores.\” Never sell you self short by being so vague and uttering emotional words, but instead say something that is respected such as facts and examples. You say Farmboy and me have \”pre-conceived notions of Farmers,\” and while we have been in the Farmers system, you admit you are not or have not been in the system. Here is my suggestion, go back to the drawing board and bring out a little more detail on how you come up with you conclusions on how you would know what goes on in Farmers. Instead of making sweeping generalization about all insurance company, give me examples of what insurance companies are doing to be labeled as you label them. Does everyone have the same appointment practices as Farmers or do some people screen more than other? The audiance does not want to see an emotional male (if that is what you are) come here and utter things without explanation. The worst thing you can do debating in message boards is to tell the readers how uneducated you are. I would hope you would come back, prove them wrong and prove you really are a CPA for a large agency.

  • April 18, 2006 at 10:15 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Your desire to put in place a socialist system in America is far fetch one that will never happen, let alone be destructive if it is put in place. Your leftist agenda is a dying breed in America.

  • April 18, 2006 at 10:25 am
    MUD says:
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    ***** is an emotional word…come on. It is a descriptive word. Insurance companies are in business to make bucks. In order to continue to grow one has to constantly add new agents. Not everyone with a college or high school education has what it takes. That is why 90% of all new agents fail in the first year or two. If that does not suggest whoring I don\’t know what does. They will get in bed with anybody for the money. I also did not say I was a CPA, I said I was an accountant. So I wrote with no emotion whatsoever. The emotion is coming from the Farmers bashers, not I.
    By my responding to their innuendo, and gossip in no way suggest emotion but a desire to bring the discusion back to facts. Facts are not emotional, they speak for themselves. Any emotion HEARD from my response comes from an anger within you. The facts speak for themselves.

  • April 18, 2006 at 10:28 am
    MUD says:
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    Sorry, if you read and comprehend English, you would have seen that I clearly said I have no knowledge of any Farmers practices. I also said if Farmers is so bad, the market place will eliminate them.

    One little response from you and 2(two) factual errors. Tsk. tsk. tsk. I hope you have a large E&O policy with a small deductible.

  • April 21, 2006 at 7:40 am
    MUD says:
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    Socailism??? I don\’t think you understand the English language as well!! People accepting personal responsibility for their own actions is now considered socialism. You must be a product of public schools and a VERY LIBERAL \”EDUCATION\”!! Socailism is the opposite of personal responsibility!!!!!!
    I argue against inuendo, gossip, and the blame game. Wow that makes me a socialists. That would make Marx role-over in his grave(if he could) You see socialism is having Uncle Sam take care of everything and letting \’him\’ provide whatever he deems I need. No thank you. I do suggest you go back to school and learn comprehension and reading!!!!

  • April 21, 2006 at 7:45 am
    MUD says:
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    If you can\’t win an argument, don\’t resort to namecalling. You asked me to prove my whoring statement. I did. Over 90% of all agents cannot make it, yet insurance companies hired them and trained them through their system yet they fail. How difficult are the barriers to Entry? I don\’t think there are any. You breathin? Yup! You are hired.

  • April 22, 2006 at 2:13 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Your left wing agenda is failing, go hug a tree to make yourself feel better.

  • April 24, 2006 at 7:06 am
    MUD says:
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    No thanks, I am in the real world. Just say it, it\’s ok…your argument lost and it has absolutely nothing to do with socialism. Instead everything to do with reality. Insurers have a horrible track record of setting up standards of admittance for agents. 90% failure across the board is unacceptable. And what is worse is that the 1 of 10 that make it are where the thiefs and criminals come from. Things that make you go hmm……..

  • April 25, 2006 at 12:59 pm
    Rolf says:
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    MUD, where did you get your statistics from?

  • April 25, 2006 at 7:16 am
    MUD says:
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    Everywhere, this is common knowledge. I dont know if you have followed this posting, but Ray Wersching,who worked for Farmers, was caught embezzling large amounts of money and \’everyone\’ blamed Farmers for their hiring practices-as though Ray was not culpable for his crimes. This guy from this article- there was no mention of the hiring practices of his carriers. How odd I thought. Over 90% of all agents fail in the first two years- this clearly speaks to the quality of any who go into this business-and those who hire them. To suggest this is somehow socialists and I am a tree-hugger, ludicrous. This just shows the very same qualities that carriers are looking for…a warm boddy, one who is unable to reason, quick tempered, etc. IndAgent shows these fine qualities as well as the inablity to read and repeat back what he has read. If he was reading my policy and making suggestions regarding coverage-I would be very scared. But he is not alone- there are thousands more where he comes from.

  • April 25, 2006 at 3:45 am
    MUD says:
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    Again, I don\’t know where I get these statitics from, probably from the top of my head. Sure I make these stats up sometimes, what else is new? Don\’t you know who in the hell I am, I am an accountant for a large insurance agency, who in the hell are you?

  • April 26, 2006 at 7:04 am
    MUD says:
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    You are a poser IndAgent, trying to still my identity. But the words you write under my name don\’t even come close to my words. I debate with ideas not from foolishness.

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