Climate Change Will Limit Ability to Control Wildland Fires, Scientists Say

August 30, 2006

  • August 30, 2006 at 12:48 pm
    algore says:
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    Ha!! These are probably the same nitwits predicting a RECORD hurricane season this year because of global \”warming\”. Hold me, I\’m scared!! The sky is falling!!

  • August 30, 2006 at 1:10 am
    Taxula says:
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    After the USSR went down te tube, the Reds just turned into Greens in an ongoing effort to destroy the US economy.

    I think Claims Guide / Ins Journal is run by Democrats, frankly. How else to explain all of the left wing propaganda we are getting from it these days?

  • August 31, 2006 at 8:18 am
    Duffman says:
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    Wow partisan paranoia

  • August 31, 2006 at 8:20 am
    Duffman says:
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    Are they really the same scientists? Or you are just jumping to conclusions?

  • August 31, 2006 at 8:41 am
    Taxula says:
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    He said \”probably,\” genius.

  • August 31, 2006 at 8:48 am
    Taxula says:
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    Partisan paranoia? They have the same goals, economically: hamstring capitalism. What\’s paranoid, or partisan, for making this observation?

  • August 31, 2006 at 11:05 am
    DLR says:
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    The same genius yelling \”global cooling\” 30 years ago

  • August 31, 2006 at 3:07 am
    Duffman says:
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    Its paranoid b/c its a faulty observation. \”liberals\” often aren\’t communists. \”greens\” often aren\’t communists.

    If you can\’t understand the \”other side\” I doubt you should be relying on your observations.

  • August 31, 2006 at 3:10 am
    Duffman says:
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    Probably? They probably were? Yeah b/c all scientists are the same. If 500,000 believe in global warming and if 10,000 of them think its going to be a record hurricane season obviously the statistics are on his side.


    I know how its easy to generalize. It lets you avoid thinking about it too much.

  • August 31, 2006 at 3:17 am
    Taxula says:
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    Marxism has never been practiced in \”purity,\” only in part. But if on the one side of the Marxist spectrum of practice you have modern N. Korea or Cuba, on the other side you will Ned Lamont and Teddy (hic!) Kennedy. It\’s only a matter of degrees.

  • August 31, 2006 at 3:21 am
    Taxula says:
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    He didn\’t say all ARE the same, he said that those saying stupid things now are PROBABLY the same ones saying stupid things before. Just like you, except that you sign your posts, whereas we don\’t know who all of these scientists are or were.

  • September 1, 2006 at 7:04 am
    Duffman says:
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    Now you insinuate that I\’m stupid. Is that how you argue your points, by insulting whomever you\’re talking to?

    The question seems to be, do you believe that there is no climate change or that it wasn\’t manmade?

  • September 1, 2006 at 7:06 am
    Duffman says:
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    So in your view its not possible to be a \”green\” and be a capitalist.

    It must be nice to live in your world where there are no grey areas and every person fits neatly into a stereotype.

  • September 1, 2006 at 8:01 am
    Taxula says:
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    \”Now you insinuate that I\’m stupid. Is that how you argue your points, by insulting whomever you\’re talking to?\” -Duffman

    No, I don\’t insult whomever I\’m talking to, only people who deserve it. You said that I was paranoid in your first post. I\’m only playing on your level. If you wish to elevate the tone, feel free.

  • September 1, 2006 at 8:09 am
    Taxula says:
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    \”The question seems to be, do you believe that there is no climate change or that it wasn\’t manmade?\”

    Mankind can do and has done nothing to result in global climate change. How else to explain the ice ages and their cessation? In the 16th century Europe was much cooler than it is now, and Antarctica once had jungles and dinosaurs.

    Climate variations are naturally cyclical. Krakatoa spewed out more gas and dirt than the entire human race since the industrial revolution. Thirty years ago the media and some scientists were screaming about global cooling.

    And yes, the Green Party is anti-captialist and pretty much anti-American, full of peaceniks, environazis and dopes generally. One need not fit this bill to believe and assert that businesses and industries should clean up their own messes and not dump poison in the air and water.

  • September 1, 2006 at 8:13 am
    Taxula says:
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    Sorry, I meant to say that in the 16th century Europe was much WARMER than it is now.

  • September 4, 2006 at 8:55 am
    Duffman says:
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    Meanwhile, the tide of scientific evidence continued to roll in. Swiss researchers, looking at everything from ice cores and tree rings to weather records, reported in March that the summer of 2003, which killed tens of thousands of people, was by far the hottest summer in Europe since 1500; the 20th century as a whole was the hottest century. Computer models can’t explain that trend without factoring in a man-made greenhouse effect, but skeptics have long argued that the models also can’t explain why the lower atmosphere has apparently warmed less than Earth’s surface. That argument took a knock in 2004. Reanalyzing the satellite temperature measurements, Quiang Fu of the University of Washington and his colleagues concluded that a cooling in the upper atmosphere had been masking what is in fact a large warming of the lower atmosphere.

    From here:

    This is a complicated issue, that is for certain.

    Your gripe with the Green party is not my concern. What is however, is your persitence in characterizing the \”pro environment\” as \”anti capitalist\”. Being pro environment is not concerned with the the theory that all wealth be shared. Its akin to asserting that all conservatives are racist. An obviously inaccurate portrayal.

  • September 5, 2006 at 8:04 am
    Taxula says:
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    \”2003, which killed tens of thousands of people, was by far the hottest summer in Europe since 1500…\”

    I guess everyone stopped driving their Priuses in 1499.

    \”Your gripe with the Green party is not my concern. What is however, is your persitence in characterizing the \”pro environment\” as \’anti capitalist.\’\”

    I can\’t take credit for it. Lots of people see this.

    \”Bowing to environmentalist demands since the 1970s, Congress has blocked oil and gas drilling from areas like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (10.4 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. Geological Service) and the Outer Continental Shelf (86 billion barrels of oil, according to the Minerals Management Service).\”,2933,193487,00.html

    \”The Greenhouse Myth\”

    Go here. I don\’t have any more time to argue this with you. Read these two pieces and either change your mind or stay deluded. The Junk Science site has tons of stuff that you might find helpful.

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