Los Angeles Agent-Broker Association Installs Officers

February 6, 2007

Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Association-Los Angeles installed its officers this week in Santa Monica, Calif. The 2007 officers include: Tim Cline, Timothy Cline Insurance, president; Lyshon Jackson, Hub International Insurance, president-elect; Brandon Okita, FIA Insurance, vice president; Dora Sher, Lloyd Berkett Insurance, secretary; and Ruth Ann Valdivia, White & Co., treasurer.

Andrew Valdivia, IIABA national director and past president of IIABA-LA and IBA West was the luncheon speaker at the event. During his remarks, he reviewed the climate of national and state insurance issues, as well as the programs being undertaken by the Big I on a national level and IBA West on a state level to address pressing issues such as contingent commissions and an optional federal charter.

Valdivia encouraged members in attendance become active at the local level as the first step in getting involved in the state and national associations.

Noting his extensive involvement over the years, Validivia said, “I’ve gotten much more from the association than I ever gave by meeting talented people, expanding my personal knowledge and gaining access to information that truly enhanced the productivity of my own firm.

Following a brief question and answer period on a range of issues, Valdivia acknowledged the support of his wife Diane, who attended the lunch, as well as his delight that his sister, Ruth, was newly elected as IIABA-LA Treasurer.

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