Judge Rules that Priest Files Must be Released

February 8, 2007

  • February 8, 2007 at 1:21 am
    argie says:
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    The ruling comes a bit too late. The priest leaped to his death in May 2003 when confronted by police at a hotel in Mexico. What\’s the use of demothballing that case now? The judge should better order that all present cases (if there are any) are released, not necessarily the Widera\’s.

  • February 8, 2007 at 1:59 am
    Tom says:
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    The significance may rest in the policy definitions of \”occurrence\” – which in many cases uses the word \”accident\” – in Websters, an \”accident\” is a happening that is neither expected, foreseen or intended. It is beyond credible belief that the continued transfer of pedophiles resulted in losses that were neither expected nor foreseen.

    Frankly, one must question whether or not the standard liability policy would apply to ANY pedophile priest case involving the Catholic Church.

  • February 8, 2007 at 2:22 am
    argie says:
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    As matter of course, the \’accident\’ definition wouldn\’t be appliccable to any subsequent acts of any discovered pedophile religious leader of any religion or sect or cult whatsoever.

    With or without a transfer, it should be expected/foreseen that a known (not necessarily indicted)pedophile/molester/sexual criminal will do it again, if allowed to stay free under any pretences.

  • February 8, 2007 at 2:34 am
    Trippy says:
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    I agree, in that any carrier should be able to require records for each & every priest that coverage is to be provided for & every single one that has a prior conviction should be excluded on the standard policy.

    I feel that the Church itself should be held liable for every loss that occurs, after there is significant proof that any Priest they have placed in a different location due to his past record involving child molestation, should be brought up on criminal charges for aiding & abetting.

    The Church has to realize that the people of this Country does not condone or accept this behavior & if they wish to keep the Priest on their staff, perhaps he needs to be de-staffed himself!

    I guess that’s a bit harsh, but I can’t help but feel that the Church is responsible for every case after they gain knowledge of the very first incident! It’s time to stop sweeping it under the rug & hiding it in files, but rather make a stand for the people that they are to be leading!

  • February 9, 2007 at 11:08 am
    argie says:
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    We also have this issue about undisclosure of material facts, don\’t we?

    Supposedly, \”every Proposer or Insured / Reinsured when seeking new insurance / reinsurance or renewing an existing Policy must disclose any information which might influence the Insurer / Reinsurer in deciding whether or not to accept the risk, what the terms should be, or what premiums to charge.

    Failure to do so may render the insurance / reinsurance voidable from
    inception and enable the Insurer / Reinsurer to repudiate liability\”

    At least this is how it works in the London Market (and the Argentinean, where I\’ve been for the past 40 years)

    I have a question. Have Church TP carriers ever opened their mouths in the above connection, or the volume of premiums involved taped their traps shut?

  • February 9, 2007 at 11:25 am
    Trippy says:
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    Good Point! It\’s time to take Responsibility with regard to the children much more seriously & not just stand back with traps shut because someone gets big bucks for the whammy that is happening to the children!

    It\’s just wrong to not be there for them. They need protection & as adults, we need to protect them from this exposure & though we cannot protect them all at all times, perhaps with the right actions we can stop it from recurring if the one doing the bad is apprehended & removed. We all know he is going to Hell anyway, let\’s just stop his ability to continue to pave his path with more children having to endure their encounter with him along his way!!!

    The journey we take, depends on where we want to go. If we sit back, we go nowhere & are just as guilty!

    God Bless!

  • February 9, 2007 at 11:44 am
    argie says:
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    Hell is surely getting the best slice of humanity these days… ;-)

    If any of you people would like to read what the English ombudsperson (I hate these neologisms btw) has to say about non disclosure (actually quite basic) you may go to:



    But the philosopher in me feels that all rolls down to gold (lately inching past sex).

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