UCLA Study Indicates Most Calif. Workers OK With Workers’ Comp Care

March 7, 2007

  • March 7, 2007 at 12:56 pm
    Mark A. Vickness says:
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    The study results regarding injured workers satisfaction with their medical treatment are invalid. At a meeting of the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers\’ Compensation on 2/23/07, Professor Kominsky (the principal investigator at UCLA) admitted that he failed to ask the injured workers surveyed whether the treatment they received was treatment authorized and provided by the workers\’ compensation insurance carrier or treatment received through their private health insurance carrier, or whether the treatment was self procured. In that the authors of the study did not ask that threshold question, the study cannot be held out as indicative of the level of satisfaction with treatment received through the workers\’ compensation system. Injured workers in California routinely go outside the system to obtain treatment as a direct result of the delays and denials that are common with utilization review and the limitations on treatment imposed by the ACOEM Guidelines.

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:57 am
    Mike says:
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    Quit whining. You CA attorneys and doctors keep crying because your cash cow is over.

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