Fires Over, But Calif. Should Assess Flood Risks

October 30, 2007

  • October 30, 2007 at 2:06 am
    clm mgr says:
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    Here’s the deal: Flooding, mudslides or mudflow that results from the fires denuding the landscape will be covered under the fire policies. Likewise, any earth movement caused by the death of vegetation and denuding of hillsides will be covered by fire policies.
    These insurance companies and agents need to wise up and do the right thing before lawsuits begin to come in and insurance companies get another black eye and also get hit for punitive damages for failure to interpret their coverages properly.

  • October 31, 2007 at 6:55 am
    Personal Lines Mgr says:
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    This question is directed to Clm mgr:
    I am a P/L mgr and I have access to several companies fire contracts, most who follow the ISO forms. Under General Exclusions, Earth Movement, meaning loss caused by or resulting from, contributed to or aggravated by earthquake, landslide; mudflow..etc.. unless direct loss by 1: fire, ensues then the company will pay only for the ensuing loss (the fire). Where in your contract do you find any wording for coverage provided for mudslides/flood that results from fires denuding the landscape. Nor can I find anything referencing dead vegitation? Help.

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