Hawaii Authorizes Adjusters to Assist with Storm Claims

December 28, 2007

  • December 28, 2007 at 1:53 am
    Aceadjuster says:
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    Hawaii finds itself in a bind, and in need of adjusters. This happens every time there is a “CAT” loss. Most states simply suspend their licensing requirements in order to get enough adjusters into the state to do an adequate job.
    It sounds like Hawaii is being somewhat naive. Their requirement is “The nonresident adjusters must provide a certified copy of their license in another state.” This is unnecessarily complex.
    A.) I am an Independent Adjuster in New Jersey AND NJ does NOT require licenses for Independent Adjusters.
    B.) I DO have a New York license but I dread the thought of getting a ‘certified’ copy of it.
    Wake up Hawaii, you are going to need these adjusters (in spite of the slander that come out of Mississippi and Louisiana about us).

  • December 28, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Global world says:
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    With national lines being blurred these days, state lines certainly are. Makes a good claim for national licenses doesn’t it? Of course the states would loose licensing revenue, which is what stands in the way. Are states concerned with competancy or just revenue?

  • December 28, 2007 at 3:44 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    It is very easy to get a valid/certified copy of your license through your National Producer Number (NPR). I hold several adjuster licenses and all can be confirmed through the NPR.

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