Public School Officials Can Be Liable for Not Responding to Harassment Claims

October 15, 2008

  • October 16, 2008 at 3:11 am
    Eli says:
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    Imagine that, a CA court awarding money to a couple of gay high school students. Notwithstanding whatever harassment they may have suffered, they don’t deserve to profit from it. There’a a message there…..some people will never like gays. Schools can only do so much. They’re not policemen and can’t guarantee personal security every minute of every day.

  • October 16, 2008 at 5:37 am
    KLS says:
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    If a school can’t guarantee the safety of a student while they’re attending classes or between classes, how is that person supposed to get an education? If the student or student’s parents are paying taxes that support a public school or paying tuition to a private school, they’re paying for an education and reasonable accommodations for said education.

    This would not be tolerated if the student were being harassed over racial issues or if the student were physically challenged, so why tolerate it if the student is gay?

    I’m fine with the fact that some people won’t like gay people. I think it’s ignorant, but more power to those who make that choice. I am -not- fine with those who impose their negative opinion on others by way of verbal or physical force. That’s unacceptable.

    Maybe it isn’t in the Constitution, but I believe a child has a right to attend school and NOT be tortured by other students in the process, no matter the “reason” behind the bullying, be it sexual orientation, race, physical traits, socioeconomic status, etc.

    If these kids were set back in their learning due to the school not taking enough action against bullying (and I know first-hand there are schools who don’t act fast enough or effectively enough) then maybe these kids should get a monetary award to put toward education in a safer environment.

    I’m not saying millions-of-dollars and set-up-for-life kind of awards, but something that would pay for several semesters at a different school seems fair to me.

  • October 17, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Wow Eli, could you say that a little louder as I couldn’t hear all those discriminatory remarks through your white hood. These kids suffered physical and mental abuse at school where they were supposed to be safe. The school officials did nothing to stop the harrassment, ignored the complaints and they were derservedly punished for it. Sounds like justice. With your reasoning if i hate blond haired blued eyed people then it’s okay if I discriminate against them and physically and mentally abuse them. You are a sick one, I hope you are sterilized and have no kids.

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