LA Public Transit Faces Dilemma Due to AIG Demise

October 20, 2008

  • October 20, 2008 at 2:59 am
    Baxtor says:
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    So the MTA sold everything and made a profit. hmmmmmm. I wonder if the CFO and others got a nice big bonus check for the huge profit? Now the CFO is complaining that the government needs to bail them out too. Come on people, quit whining and start doing your job. Is the MTA in the business of selling assets and then leasing them or are they in the business of moving people? Stick with that Mr CFO. I just want to ask the CFO this one question. If you go out of town, do you leave your wife alone or trust her to be baby sat by 5 chip-n-dale’s? You leave her alone because you don’t want to take the chance she’ll have relations with one of them. Keep your assets in house and you wouldn’t be in this mess. I’m glad you can’t sleep at night, nor should you!

  • October 20, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Brokette says:
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    This is what comes of allowing government employees who’ve never been held fiscally responsible for running their operations. They just “raise taxes” and everything goes on as before. These idiots couldn’t run a profitable lemonade stand if their lives depended on it. Maybe their riders should actually pay the cost of the transportation rather than MTA running at a taxpayer subsidized deficient. What a concept!

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