Oregon Proposes Bill To Require Pit Bull Insurance

March 3, 2009

  • March 3, 2009 at 7:42 am
    Amy says:
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    What about laws requiring breeder guidelines, registration, temperment testing, etc? Why not start cracking down on the source of this problem– the breeders and owners–not the dog. According to the AKC, AmStaffs and Pitbulls scored 1 point higher on temperment tests than Golden Retrievers. Pits that attack have been bread/trained from day one by the owner to protect and attack. Or, they are so greatly UNDER stimulated and UNDER excercised that they get restless and anxious. Bad breeder, bad owner means dangerous pit.

  • March 3, 2009 at 1:26 am
    Jaded says:
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    “Hello, you guys have all my insurance and I need to make sure its going to cover me for this new pitbull law.”

    “Um, you have a pitbull?”

    Cut to next scene where the customer gets a notice of nonrenewal.

  • March 3, 2009 at 1:29 am
    Dogged says:
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    What is the intent of this law? To protect the people from their pets or to protect the people from pit bull “owners” who train them to fight?

    If it’s the former, why stop at pit bulls?

    If it’s the latter, does the legislative body really believe that these “fight owners” will really buy insurance? If so, I have a bridge they may be interested in buying…

  • March 3, 2009 at 1:30 am
    Laura says:
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    So is a pit bull considered a dangerous dog? If so (and it’s a crime to maintain a dangerous dog), how can they require you to insure it? But it’s not a ban……

  • March 3, 2009 at 1:45 am
    Contributory Pit - ness says:
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    Will I have to get a DNA test for my dog to see what % of the limits I need?

    If the dog is 1/2 pit do you only have to carry 1/2 the limits?

  • March 3, 2009 at 1:51 am
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    Who (besides maybe Lloyd’s) is going to insure a “dangerous” dog? I agree…why stop at pit-bulls. Let’s not forget about
    Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc. Jaded, I’m with you on this one…

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:04 am
    Fido says:
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    … when you pry my cold, dead fingers from its mouth!

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:22 am
    Dread says:
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    The politicians caved in AGAIN with an impotent bill that does NOTHING to protect the public from this exposure. I am a dog lover with one exception….. Pit Bulls. At this point, I’m asking the Pit Bull defenders take a minute to objectively consider the following points.

    1. Having liability insurance isn’t the issue. It’s not much consolation to an adult or the parents of a child who’s just been mauled, maimed, dis-figured,or killed by a Pit Bull attack. Notice I didn’t use the term “bite”. Pit Bulls are consistently ranked #1 on the national listing of potententially vicious dogs for a reason. It’s because they don’t just “bite”….they attack, maul, maime, and kill. Facts and statistics can’t be ignored.

    2. Thanks to our impotent legal system, a dog must be shown to have “vicious tendencies” before any action against it can be taken. In other words, “the first attack/mauling is free”. How absurd is that?

    3. Some mis-guided people REFUSE to acknowledge the fact that this breed has a genetic propensity to attack/maul. This exists in all Pit Bulls, not just the ones that were trained to fight. They blindly defend the breed. I recently had the misfortune of handling a claim involving a Pit Bull attack/mauling of a 12 year old girl. The dog was able to get out of its yard, run across the street, and make an un-provoked attack on the girl who was simply walking home from school. Neighbors who tried to help testified that the dog WOULD NOT STOP ATTACKING THE GIRL. Only after one good Samaritan began beating it with a baseball bat did it retreat. The girl almost bled out from her wounds. She sustained a broke arm, multiple lacerations to her arms and legs, and facial lacerations requiring 4 surgical procedures. In spite of excellent plastic surgeons, she is permanently scarred and dis-figured and continues to suffer from depression and other psychological issues. Her parents breakdown and cry when they think of how dramatically and tragically their daughters life was altered. Who will want to date/marry someone this badly dis-figured? What about her self-image…..AND ALL BECAUSE SOMEONE JUST HAD TO HAVE A PIT BULL.

    Here’s the sick part. The owner defended the dog saying it was gentle and had never done anything like that before. EXCUSE ME? Why should an innocent pedestrian even have to be exposed to THE CHANCE some aggressive beast with a known propensity to attack/maul would ruin her life? This breed of animal has no place in a populated area for just this reason. People who just don’t get it are as dangerous as their animals.

    I recently took my grandaughter to an animal shelter to see some puppies. Over 80% of the dogs there were Pit Bulls. We were both terrified to walk down the aisle of cages. These animals are not only intimidating, they were angry and aggressive.

    I’m sure an onslaught of post will follow asking “what’s next? What other breeds should be banned?” They’re the usual generalization you hear from small minded people who don’t understand that PEOPLE are more valuable than ANIMALS, and just because you may have a “RIGHT” to own this breed doesn’t make it the “RESPONSIBLE” thing to do. People have the right to walk the streets without fear of attack by dog. But there I go again, thinking all people are “responsible”. There are hundreds of other breeds of dogs to choose from. The world can’t exist without people, but it will do just fine without Pit Bulls. Banning them doesn’t herald the loss of our “rights”; it would herald the beginning of some common sense by politicians and the courts.

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:25 am
    Derrick says:
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    Fido: you’re an idiot. We can only hope the cold dead fingers in your beast’s mouth are your own and not some innocent victim. It’s frightening to know there are people like you on the planet.

    p.s. I’d gladly pry your “cold, dead fingers from it’s mouth”.

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:27 am
    an Oregonian says:
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    Oh geez, I’m an Oregonian in Portland. Sometimes our politicians are a little too tree-hugging Birkenstock wearing special interest caving schmucks.

    As stated by others,
    1. no insurance is going to provide “pit bull liability”
    2. it would result in lots of nonrenewal when the (slightly more) responsible pit bull owners call up to get their coverage
    3. the bad owners wont care about insurance anyway. Just like car insurance etc.

    And we find out that Portland is the least happiest city in the country – http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/02/0226_miserable_cities/2.htm. Go Oregon!

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:29 am
    Fido says:
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    I have the right as an American to let my dog roam freely and attack whom it will. Darn kids should get the hell off my lawn!

  • March 3, 2009 at 3:02 am
    Maria says:
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    I have a right to own a Glock and shoot Pit Bulls. To bad that right doesn’t extend to shooting ignorant owners too.

  • March 3, 2009 at 3:09 am
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    How right you are, Dread. Had a similar claim a number of years ago, before the dog exclusions. It’s unbelievable that these dogs attack even when unprovoked.
    I am a dog lover, too, and when I hear some of these dog owners defending their breed! A pit is a pit is a pit. It’s DNA is programmed to attack and attack savagely. Responsible dog ownership should NOT include ownership of a vicious pit.

    Let’s not forget, people. All dogs are animals, not humans. (Although I know some humans that are animals). Even the gentlest dog can snap; after all, it’s still an animal. Be responsible and don’t take anything for granted!

  • March 3, 2009 at 3:52 am
    DJ says:
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    I don’t think that the majority of pit bull attacks happen on their owner’s front yards. Hope your pit bull never attacks anyone you know – it’s that mentality that allows these dogs to continuously break loose and attack. I’ve been attacked by 2 and I was simply taking my evening walk – they broke out of their back yard and chased me down the street. I did nothing to them. Damm me for exercising my freedom to take a walk … right ???? I feel sorry for the breed, but that doesn’t change the facts.

  • March 4, 2009 at 8:12 am
    Fred says:
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    They don’t have to be trained to fight….it’s been in their genes for hundreds of years. A good percentage of those who own these beasts are irresponsible and won’t train/exercise them anyway. Instead of society wasting valuable resources to cater to a few people who insist on having one, simply install the basic protections of human security by banning the damn things. As Dread points out, the world can survive just fine without these four-legged time bombs wandering around. It’s similar to assault weapons. People have a “right” to own one, but why? They’re designed and intended to do one thing……kill. Why is this country afraid to use common sense and just say “NO” to some things? The second amendment was written in the days when people carried weapons and there insurrection in the country. Times have changed. Does anyone really think having an AK-47 in their house will make a difference? It’s all nonsense and society is getting further out of control. What’s next? Some poor ******* will fear for his life because his neighbor owns a Pit Bull so he starts carrying his assault weapon “just in case”?

  • May 14, 2009 at 1:18 am
    David says:
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    I had to risk my life to pull two pit bulls off my minature pincher yesterday and she is in surgery now to see if they can save her. The legislature caved into the pit bull lobby (big in Oregon). The low life scum who own these dogs should be made an example of. They refuse to put the dogs down even though they attacked my dog on my property. They have these animals around to protect their illegal activities. It’s time we stop coddling the criminals. $180 fine is nothing, be real. Where is the insurance industry in all this but trying to protect their bottom line. I vote, I pay taxes, I will be on the warpath until something is done.

    Mad as hell.

  • March 3, 2010 at 11:55 am
    Dee says:
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    This is outrageous,how can one possibly judge a dog by it’s breed?Not all bully breeds are dangerous,in fact i have been witness to a pitbull being mauled by a great dane,if a bully breed is responsible for an attack more likely it is due to it’s upbringing,Why would you want to punish the good bully breed owner because of the actions of the bad bully owners,this is like going back to being an adolescent,one kid does bad and they all get punished,this is unfair and i for one will never step foot into that state again if this is passed,banning the breed is also unfair,but i guess we should be used to being treated unfair,is that not what this goverment is about,take away or control what is dear to us and we will bow down to you,ill keep my bullys thank you very much and no one will ever tell me that mine are dangerous because they are not.

  • March 3, 2010 at 2:34 am
    Angie says:
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    If you dare watch the whole video you will see that these dogs are forced to be made mean,this has indeed happened in the UK but you have got to know this is happening here and now and will continue too if you do not all get involved,making responsible pitbull owners pay for the actions of the evil humans we have on this planet is not the answer.I am a pitbull owner and i know i can come here 10 years from now and say proudly that my dog has never killed another animal nor has he ever attacked anyone.I do not use words like get em i do not play tug of war and i do not ever take my dogs to dog parks,if i do i do when no one is there and when people show up we leave,I am a responsible pitbull owner my dogs never run loose and i can safely say they will never be able to escape my yard.Now should i be penalized because of the actions of bad people?here is a a blog from the women who was attacked by a pitbull that was tortured by its young owners..http://www.b-townblog.com/index.php?s=pitbull+snaps
    I think any child caught with a pitbull or any bully breed for that matter needs to be picked up by law enforcement and the parents should be fined,a child with this breed of dog that is not attended by a parent will most likely do things with the dog that is inappropriate.BSL and jacking good pitbull owners with threats of either get insurance or lose your dog is not the answer,we as compassionate Americans need to report unacceptable behavior by our human race,like if you see a dog chained in a yard by logging chains,or dogs with scars on their face,ears,legs,report it,how hard can that be,if a dog is running loose in the streets..report it(i know not only pitbulls are roaming the streets)Stop blaming the breed they do not have fighting blood in their veins,that is what you have been programmed to believe.

  • March 6, 2011 at 6:41 pm
    Jacob says:
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    I just want to say to all of the people who are in support of all of this pit bull or breed specific legislation. You clearly don’t have a clue what yo are talking about and your ignorance is apparent. Your living out of fear and that is driving your viewpoint. I have been raising these dogs and have been a breeder of them. In the entire time I have been working with them I have not ever once had an issue with these dogs. In fact I trust them more than most other breeds. It is not the dog that is bad, it is the owner that neglects a dog or mistreats the dog. These are amazing animals and are considered members of the family. You are talking about taking peoples family members away from them and killing them, imprisoning the owners and so forth. This is wrong.
    Hey you there, the one all for restricting me from owning a perfectly good and loyal dog. What if your child grew up and was violent. Is the next step to ban people from having children because people have this inherent ability to loose it when they don’t get their medication, or they are drunk. it really is no different. We don’t ban you from having a child because your a bad parent. People are prosecuted on an individual basis, and so should a persons animal. Does the CDC (who has no place dictating anything of this nature) do a study on different nationalities and declaring that certain races of human are more disposed to violence and therefor banned or sterilized. You people should get a clue before you start judging animals in which the extent of your knowledge is from new reports and isolated incidents.

  • August 25, 2011 at 6:28 pm
    Laura C. says:
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    What am I supposed to do then? My husband has a 1/2 pit who is the sweetest little dog I’ve ever met. She lives with his dad right now as we are living in an apartment while we build a house. I tried to get insurance to cover her, but there isn’t a single home owners insurance that will cover us and our dog. The insurance agent basically said that either we can’t have our pet live with us OR we can just play the odds and hope nothing happens. I’m trying to be responsible but no insurance company will cover us.

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