Arizona Fines Aetna for Multiple Violations

November 4, 2009

  • November 4, 2009 at 1:27 am
    wow says:
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    Wow – over $250,000! That otta stop em!

  • November 5, 2009 at 9:25 am
    Matt says:
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    Every bullet point above is another reason to CHECK YOUR E.O.B. with someone who understands the nuances of medical billing. Better yet know your own benefits and what should be covered at what rates. They all make so many errors- check them!

  • November 7, 2009 at 1:18 am
    shocked says:
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    How does this company get away with such overwhelming disreputable practices. Does the general counsel not know how off the tracks Aetna has gone for routine compliance? How can Aetna be THIS bad. For every dollar coming in the front door, two dollars go out the back. Time to clean up your act, Aetna.

  • April 24, 2013 at 6:54 pm
    Iga says:
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    unfortunately I am dealing with them now. It’s April 24th and since January I was getting misleading information from them about my check being mailed and never received it. I call them every 2 weeks since they are so incompetent and lie to us, but I think my only option will be taking them to court however I hate the sound of it. Please tell me if you have any better ideas.

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