Oregon Man Files Lawsuit Over Defective Baby Hammock

January 4, 2010

  • January 5, 2010 at 7:24 am
    Michelle says:
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    I bought one of these beds in 2004 and used it both for my son and my daughter. It comes with an insert with bolsters on both sides so that when the baby is placed in between the bolsters, he/she is safe from rolling into the corners of the bed. And the sides are made of mesh. When both of my children were swaddled and placed between the bolsters, on their backs, there was no way they were moving anywhere. And, I felt that after 5 months, and when they weren’t being swaddled anymore, it was time to move to the crib. I would recommend this bed to all of my friends and have saved it for my children to use when they have children of their own. It is a naturally, wonderful alternative to the cold hard cradle or crib that we place babies in right out of the womb, where they are cradled and in motion. I feel bad that this bed is now getting a bad rep because of these terrible and unfortunate deaths when babies have died in cribs too.

  • January 7, 2010 at 10:57 am
    smarty says:
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    Our children and grandchildren all slept in a homemade cradle, which I lined with foam rubber. It rocked from side to side and was just at arm’s length from our bed so that all night long, either of us could reach over, rock it or whatever, without getting up. But the main point in that we always had someone right there, in case the baby would need comfort or attention. I don’t know how this Amby bed works but I suspect that some younger folks need a little “training” to understand that this is not some Ronco appliance, that you can’t just “SET IT AND FORGET IT” but I’d bet that is exactly what this parent did…and I know many young folks who are vastly unprepared for being a parent…we make people take exams or tests to demonstrate their ability to operate machinery but parenting, not coming with a manual, is always left to those least prepared to do it. I know you need sleep but you have to change your behavior if you are going to be a parent. It is not just about YOU.

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