Calif. Low Cost Auto Insurance Program Participation Up 19%

February 1, 2010

  • February 1, 2010 at 10:24 am
    Molecule says:
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    What rational person makeing 27K a year would own a 20K car? When I was at the very lower end of the salary scale I drove inexpensive used cars and I always budgeted for insurance. During the few times I couldn’t afford insurance I parked the car and took the freakin’ bus.

  • February 1, 2010 at 10:43 am
    Observer says:
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    This program is a poor solution to resolving the uninsured driver problem. It is up 19% from practically nothing.

    The downside of the program is that the limits are too low to really protect the public from lack of insurance. While other states are raising their minimum limits, this program does the opposite by allowing a lower limit.

  • February 1, 2010 at 1:22 am
    Brent says:
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    Mr. Poizner makes this sound like it is actually catching on…..7500 applications in 2009 and there’s 37,000,000 people living in CA. 0.0002% of the public has signed up for this wildly popular plan.

  • February 1, 2010 at 1:48 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Here in California, our law has been soooo effective that the 15K p.p. and 30K p.a. BI and 5K p.d. minimum requirement adopted in 1967 was reduced to 10K 20K and 3K with the low cost program. We have had no inflation and the average price of a car is now $3,000. Oh wait, that is what policticians believe.

    We need to be able to buy and 1,000,000 CSL UM/UIM coverage just for this very reason.

    No Fault is the only way to go.

    Those who choose not to be responsible should not make it other’s responsibility. Oh, that’s anti- policitally correct. WHO CARES??

  • February 2, 2010 at 12:36 pm
    Steve says:
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    How many policies are in force in the low cost auto program, and how many of them are based in LA County?

  • February 3, 2010 at 8:53 am
    No Fault... says:
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    Coming from Michigan where No Fault is the standard…it’s not always the best solution either. Rates are quite expensive, and our current governmental body (run by a trial lawyer) thinks it necessary to force no fault into a hybrid through introducing legislation to make suing easier by reducing the verbal threshold. Of course this flies in the face of the purpose of no fault. Michigan also offers lifetime medical benefits, and we now have an MCCA fee of close to $150 per vehicle, which is not even premium, just an additional fee.

    Colorado even has waffled on no-fault vs. tort. I agree, though, the minimum limits provided by the low-cost program won’t even cover a trip the ER for one day.

  • February 3, 2010 at 10:16 am
    Reality Check says:
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    That’s why I changed the names of the on the California ballot in 1988 for my lectures from Proposition 103(the good driver law and elimination of territorial rating) that passed, and 104(no fault) which had been watered down by trial lawyers, to prostitutions 103 and 104 since the former was raping low-risk areas and the latter would still benefit of trial lawyers.

    I argue that if you buy life insurance and you die, your beneficiary receives money, if you don’t buy life insurance, your beneficiary recieves nothing and you may be showing willful disregard for your family.

    Buy Health Insurance first, Disability Insurance second, and Life Insurance third and if you want your house or your car fixed if something happens to it buy property or comp and collision.

    Tort is just another term for ignorance and lack of personal responsibility in my agency. I’ve been an agent in California since 1986 and look forward to the day personal responsibility wins over ignorance and I am out of corruption based job.

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